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[00:01.00]Unit Four Then and now第四单元 当时和现在
[00:05.76]Yifan, that's your father.一凡,那是你爸爸。
[00:11.38]You weren't very big then, Mr Wu!吴先生,你当时个子不高呀!
[00:15.51]No, so I didn't like PE class very much. 是啊,因此我非常不喜欢上体育课。
[00:20.25]I couldn't run fast or play basketball well.我跑不快,打篮球也打得不好。
[00:25.12]Our school was small!我们的学校很小!
[00:28.48]We didn't have a library, 我们没有图书馆,
[00:31.04]and there weren't any computer rooms at all.也没有任何计算机室。
[00:35.58]There was no gym either!也没有体育馆!
[00:38.70]A Let's tryA 听力练习
[00:43.11]Today, there is a guest visiting the school. 今天将有客人来参观我们的学校。
[00:47.52]Listen and tick or cross.听录音,判断正误,正确的打对勾,错误的画叉号。
[01:16.85]Let's talk对话练习
[01:19.32]Wow, a library! 哇,图书馆!
[01:22.62]There was no library in my old school.我以前的学校里没有图书挂。
[01:26.82]Tell us about your school, please.请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。
[01:30.70]There was only one small building on a hill.在山上只有一座小型的建筑。
[01:35.10]Could you see stars at night?你们在晚上能看到星星吗?
[01:38.58]Yes, I liked the stars.是的,我喜欢星星。
[01:41.95]Me, too. One day I'm going to visit the moon.我也是。总有一天我要去参观月球。
[01:47.69]The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.美国人在1969年花了大约5天时间到达那里。
[01:54.30]How do you know that?你怎么知道的?
[01:57.42]Easy, I looked it up on the Internet.很容易啊,我在网上查到的。
[02:01.49]Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time.啊!我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。
[02:07.57]What was Grandpa's school like?爷爷的学校是什么样子的?
[02:11.56]Let's learn一起学
[02:14.03]There was no gym in my school twenty years ago.二十年前我的学校没有体育馆。
[02:18.91]Now there's a new one in our school.现在我的学校有一个新的体育馆。
[02:22.83]dining hall饭厅
[02:34.09]B Let's tryB 听力练习
[02:37.48]Mike's friends are visiting his home. 迈克的朋友正在参观他家。
[02:40.67]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的答案。
[03:06.86]Let's talk对话练习
[03:10.04]John, come and look at Mike's old photos!约翰,过来看看迈克的旧照片!
[03:14.77]That's funny, Mike! 迈克,真有趣!
[03:16.59]You're wearing a pink T-shirt.你穿着一件粉红色的T恤衫。
[03:20.06]Yes, but I don't like pink now.是呀,但是我现在不喜欢粉红色。
[03:23.98]We are all different now!我们现在都变的不一样了!
[03:27.20]Right. Before, I was quiet. 确实是。以前我很安静。
[03:30.06]Now, I'm very active in class. 现在我在课堂上很活跃。
[03:32.33]How about you?你呢?
[03:34.59]Well, I was short, 嗯,我以前个子小,
[03:36.75]so I couldn't ride my bike well. 自行车骑得不好。
[03:39.25]Now, I go cycling every day. 现在我天天骑车。
[03:42.11]I like it very much.我非常喜欢骑车。
[03:45.02]That's good exercise.那是很不错的运动。
[03:48.27]How did Mike change?迈克有什么变化?
[03:51.76]Let's learn一起学
[03:54.21]I didn't like winter before. 我以前不喜欢冬天。
[03:56.63]I thought it was too cold, 我认为它太冷了,
[03:59.03]and I couldn't go cycling.并且我不能骑车。
[04:02.13]How about now?现在呢?
[04:04.52]Now I love to ice-skate, 现在我喜欢滑冰,
[04:06.68]so I like winter.因此我喜欢冬天。
[04:09.35]go cycling去骑自行车
[04:17.55]play badminton打羽毛球
[04:22.08]Listen, match and say听录音,把人与对应的物品相连,并练习说。
[05:00.95]Read and write读一读,写一写
[05:04.06]What a dream!奇怪的梦!
[05:06.66]Wu Yifan had a race with his father and Max. 吴一凡和他的爸爸还有马克斯进行赛跑比赛。
[05:11.09]There were many people there.那里有很多人。
[05:13.40]His father ran very fast,他的爸爸跑得很快,
[05:16.28]but Wu Yifan could not. 但是吴一凡跑不快。
[05:19.15]There was nothing he could do.他什么事情都做不了。
[05:21.63]He was so worried. "他特别着急。
[05:24.07]"I could run fast at school,“我在学校跑得很快,”
[05:26.57]he thought. "Why am I so slow now?"他想,“为什么我现在这么慢?”
[05:31.78]Then Robin said, "Drink this!" 然后罗宾说:“喝了这个!”,
[05:34.88]and gave Wu Yifan some water.并给了吴一凡一些水。
[05:37.84]Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good.吴一凡喝了,立马感觉很好。
[05:42.86]He could run fast again.他又可以跑得很快了。
[05:46.34]There was a second race. 有第二场赛跑。
[05:48.91]There were many animals in that race.在那场赛跑比赛中有很多动物。
[05:52.40]Wu Yifan ran like a cheetah. 吴一凡像猎豹一样的奔跑。
[05:55.42]He could win the race! 他可以赢!
[05:57.50]But suddenly he t ripped and fell.但是,突然,他绊倒了,摔到地上。
[06:00.72]Then he woke up. He was in bed.然后他醒来。他在床上。
[06:05.19]It was all a dream!原来是个梦啊!
[06:08.63]Wu Yifan is telling his mother about the dream.吴一凡正在给他的妈妈讲他的梦。
[06:13.33]Listen and fill in the blanks.听录音,把空白处填写完整。
[06:47.98]Let's check小测验
[06:50.55]Listen and number.听录音,标序号。
[07:29.01]C Story timeC 故事时间
[07:32.80]Cavemen often ate raw meat. 穴居人经常吃生肉。
[07:36.08]They didn't cook their food.他们不烹饪食物。
[07:39.38]Now there are many things to help you cook.现在有很多帮助你做饭的厨具。
[07:44.30]In 2050, there will be house robots. 到2050年,将有室内机器人。
[07:49.25]They will cook, clean and wash the dishes.它们会做饭,打扫和洗碗。
[07:54.49]Oh, cavemen didn't cook their meat?哦,穴居人不煮肉?
[07:59.78]It's OK. They didn't do the dishes either!还好吧,他们也不用洗碗!
[08:04.63]There were many trees, 过去有很多树,
[08:06.72]and there were many clean rivers.还有很多干净的河流。
[08:11.05]Now, there are more and more buildings.现在,有越来越多的高楼大厦。
[08:16.09]We should help the earth now, 我们现在应该帮助地球,
[08:18.53]so birds will have homes 那么鸟儿将有家,
[08:20.88]and the forests will be healthy 森林将重新变得枝繁叶茂、
[08:23.46]and green again.生机勃勃。
[08:26.43]Look! How beautiful the world was!看!世界多么美丽啊!
[08:30.26]Oh! What will the birds do哦!鸟儿怎么办?
[08:34.44]Don't worry. People will help them.不要担心,人类会帮助它们的。
[08:38.48]Before humans lived on the earth,在人类居住在地球上之前,
[08:41.69]whales already lived in the sea.鲸鱼已经居住在海里了。
[08:46.24]Now, there are not many whales.现在,鲸鱼不多了。
[08:50.22]If we change now, 如果我们现在有所改变,
[08:52.83]whales and humans will have a bright future.鲸鱼和人类将有一个光明的未来。
[08:58.22]Heal the world!拯救世界!
[09:00.86]Make it a better place!使它成为一个更美好的地方!
[09:04.10]Songs in Unit 4第四单元歌曲
[09:07.28]Changes in me我的变化
[09:19.89]Now I'm taller, taller than before.现在我变得更高了,比以前高。
[09:24.61]Every day I grow bigger.我每天长大一点,
[09:29.46]Every day I grow more. 我每天变化一点。
[09:34.07]Once I was a young boy, 曾经我是个年幼的男孩,
[09:36.43]younger than I am today. 比我现在年轻。
[09:38.71]Now I am a big boy, 现在我是个大男孩,
[09:40.81]and I'm bigger every day.每天都大一点。
[09:52.58]For school I got up early, 我上学起得很早,
[09:54.94]earlier than before.比以前起得早。
[09:57.27]Every day I get up early, 我每天都起得很早,
[10:01.96]sometimes at four!有时候四点就起来了!
[10:06.80]Once I didn't talk a lot. 曾经我很少讲话。
[10:09.01]I wasn't an active boy, 我不是一个活泼的男孩。
[10:11.24]But now I talk more than before.但是现在我比以前说得多。
[10:13.74]I always talk with joy!我总是高兴地说!(歌曲)

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