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[00:01.00]Unit Three Where did you go?第三单元 你去哪儿了?
[00:05.14]You didn't come to school. 你没来上学。
[00:06.88]What happened?发生什么事了?
[00:08.92]I fell off my bike and hurt my foot.我从自行车上摔了下来,伤着脚了。
[00:13.05]Oh dear! Are you all right?哦亲爱的!你还好吧?
[00:16.68]Yes, I'm OK. Thanks.是的,我很好。谢谢。
[00:20.04]Can I come and visit you?我能来看看你吗?
[00:23.18]Sure! You can see my photos from the Labour Day holiday.当然可以!你可以看看我在劳动节假期拍的照片。
[00:28.02]Did you go to Turpan?你去吐鲁番了吗?
[00:30.89]Yes, I did.是的,我去了。
[00:32.34]I saw lots of grapes and ate lots of mutton kebabs.我看到许多葡萄,吃了许多烤羊肉串。
[00:36.32]They were delicious.它们很可口。
[00:38.78]Who did you go with?你跟谁一起去的?
[00:41.17]My parents and my uncle.我父母和我的叔叔。
[00:44.25]A Let's try 听力练习
[00:48.42]John answered a phone call from Amy.约翰接听了艾米打来的电话。
[00:51.93]Listen and tick or cross.听录音,判断正误,正确的打对勾,错误的画叉号。
[01:14.40]Let's talk对话练习
[01:16.94]What happened?怎么了?
[01:19.38]I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.我上周六从我的自行车上摔了下来,把脚弄伤了。
[01:24.03]That's too bad! Are you all right?那太糟糕了!你还好吧?
[01:27.88]I'm OK now. 我现在没事了。
[01:29.67]Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday.过来看看我在劳动节假期拍的照片。
[01:34.24]Where did you go?你去哪儿了?
[01:36.88]Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. 新疆天山。
[01:39.88]I rode a horse. 我骑马了。
[01:41.36]Look, it's very small!看,它很小。
[01:44.23]Oh, yes. It looks like a mule! 哦,是的。它看起来像头骡子!
[01:47.21]Did you go to Turpan?你们去吐鲁番了吗?
[01:50.14]Yes, we did. 是的,去了。
[01:51.59]We saw lots of grapes there,我们在那儿看到许多葡萄,
[01:53.78]but we couldn't eat them. 但是不能吃。
[01:55.58]They won't be ready till August.它们直到八月份才熟。
[01:58.72]Where did John go over his holiday? 约翰在他的假期期间去了哪儿?
[02:02.58]What did he do?他干了什么?
[02:05.30]Let's learn一起学
[02:07.79]Where did you go last Saturday?你上周六去哪儿了?
[02:11.13]I went to a forest park.我去森林公园了。
[02:14.58]What did you do there?你在那儿干什么了?
[02:17.19]I rode a bike.我骑自行车了。
[02:19.75]rode a horse骑马
[02:23.90]rode a bike骑自行车
[02:28.27]went camping野营
[02:32.58]hurt my foot弄伤脚
[02:36.79]went fishing去钓鱼
[02:41.26]Listen, answer and write听录音,回答问题,并写下来。
[02:45.71]What did they do yesterday?他们昨天干什么了?
[03:12.29]B Let's try 听力练习
[03:15.64]Wu Yifan and Amy meet Sarah at school. 吴一凡和艾米在学校遇见萨拉。
[03:19.99]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的答案。
[03:58.03]Let's talk对话练习
[04:00.54]Where did you go over the winter holiday?你在寒假期间去哪儿了?
[04:05.10]My family and I went to Sanya.我和我的家人去了三亚。
[04:08.85]Really? Did you like it?真的吗?你喜欢那儿吗?
[04:11.83]Yes, it was so warm.是的,那里特别暖和。
[04:15.56]Hainan is far from here. 海南离这儿很远。
[04:18.02]How did you go there?你们怎么去的?
[04:20.90]We went there by plane.我们坐飞机去的。
[04:23.84]How was the beach? 海滩怎么样?
[04:26.00]What did you do there?你们在那儿干什么了?
[04:28.54]It was beautiful. 它很美丽。
[04:30.25]I took lots of pictures, 我拍了许多照片,
[04:32.30]and I also went swimming.并且还去游泳了。
[04:35.34]Sounds great! 听上去不错!
[04:36.95]Can I see your pictures sometime?我改天能看看你的照片吗?
[04:42.90]Where did Amy go last winter holiday?艾米去年寒假去哪儿了?
[04:47.64]How did she go there? What did she do?她怎么去的?她干了什么?
[04:53.77]Let's learn一起学
[04:56.22]How was your summer holiday, Yifan?一凡,你暑假过得怎么样?
[05:00.14]It was good. 还不错。
[05:01.83]I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.我每个周末去游泳,并拍了许多照片。
[05:06.90]ate fresh food吃新鲜食品
[05:11.51]went swimming去游泳
[05:15.97]took pictures照相
[05:20.34]bought gifts买礼物
[05:24.66]Read and write读一读,写一写
[05:27.66]Discuss with your partner. 吴一凡怎么遇见马克斯的?
[05:30.16]How did Wu Yifan meet Max?接下来会发生什么?
[05:33.39]What will happen next?与你的伙伴讨论。
[05:36.53]What's your name? How about "Max"?你叫什么名字?叫“马克斯”怎么样?
[05:40.57]Hello, Max!嗨,马克斯!
[05:43.10]Friday, April 23rd4月23日,星期五
[05:46.72]Today was a sunny day. 今天是晴朗的一天。
[05:49.36]In the morning, 上午,
[05:51.04]we rode a bike for three people. 我们骑三人自行车。
[05:54.55]Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. 马克斯坐在自行车前面的篮筐里。
[05:58.73]That was fun! 那很好玩!
[06:00.62]We took pictures of the beautiful countryside. 我们拍了许多美丽的乡村的照片。
[06:04.42]We bought some gifts and ate some delicious food.我们买了一些礼物,还吃了一些美味的食物。
[06:09.32]In the afternoon, 下午,
[06:11.08]Mum ate some bad fruit and didn't feel well.妈妈吃了一些坏掉的水果,有点不舒服。
[06:14.51]So we stayed in the hotel.于是我们待在旅馆里。
[06:18.14]Dad and I wanted to make her happy.我和爸爸想让她开心。
[06:21.62]We dressed up and made a funny play. 我们精心打扮,演了一个有趣的短剧。
[06:24.89]Robin played the part of a dog.罗宾扮演一只狗。
[06:27.98]He was so cute. 他特别的可爱。
[06:30.86]Max liked him so much.马克斯非常喜欢他。
[06:33.14]He jumped on him and licked him. 他跳到罗宾身上,并舔他。
[06:35.56]Of course, Robin didn't like it.当然了,罗宾不喜欢他。
[06:38.63]We laughed and laughed.我们笑个不停。
[06:41.24]It was a bad day but also a good day!今天有点小状况,但还是不错的一天!
[06:45.44]Let's check小测验
[06:48.05]Listen and write T (true) or F (false).听录音,判断正误,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。
[08:02.24]Listen again and answer the questions.再听一遍录音,回答下列问题。
[09:35.63]C Story timeC 故事时间
[09:40.56]Am I now on the moon? 我现在在月球上吗?
[09:42.52]I can't believe it!我简直不敢相信!
[09:44.72]She must be Chang'e. 她一定是嫦娥。
[09:47.14]Oh, there is the rabbit.哦,那是玉兔。
[09:51.01]It's time to go. Good! 该走了。太好了!
[09:53.58]Here comes a spaceship.来了一艘宇宙飞船!
[09:56.41]How was your holiday?你假期过得怎么样?
[09:59.32]It was fun.很有趣。
[10:02.07]Where did you go?你去哪儿了?
[10:04.56]I went to the moon.我去月球了。
[10:07.62]How did you go there?你怎么去的?
[10:10.53]By spaceship.乘宇宙飞船。
[10:13.00]What did you see?你看到什么了?
[10:15.61]I saw Chang'e, 我看到了嫦娥,
[10:18.02]the rabbit and the tree.玉兔和桂花树。
[10:21.33]Did you take any pictures?你照相了吗?
[10:24.56]Yes, I did. 是的,照了。
[10:26.42]Oops, where did I put the pictures?哎哟,我把照片放到哪儿了?
[10:30.24]Oh, it was a dream.哦,原来是个梦。
[10:34.13]Songs in Unit 3第三单元歌曲
[10:37.55]Tell me about your holiday给我讲讲你的假期
[10:47.85]Where did you go on your holiday, 你假期去哪儿了?
[10:51.58]holiday, holiday? 你假期,你假期,
[10:55.11]Did you swim? Did you shop? 你游泳了吗?你购物了吗?
[10:58.66]What did you do?你干什么了?
[11:02.40]I went swimming in the sea, 我在大海里游泳了。
[11:05.81]in the sea, in the sea. 我在大海里,我在大海里,
[11:09.43]I went shopping near the sea.我在海边购物了
[11:12.95]I bought a gift for you.我为你买了件礼物。
[11:25.51]Where did you go on your holiday, 你假期去哪儿了?
[11:29.42]holiday, holiday?。你假期,你假期,
[11:33.01]Did you run? Did you jump? 你跑步了吗?你跳跃了吗?
[11:36.60]What did you do?你干什么了?
[11:40.23]I rode a bike in the park, 我在公园里骑自行车了。
[11:43.75]in the park, in the park. 我在公园里,我在公园里,
[11:47.31]I didn't see a big round stone, 我没有看到一个又大又圆的石头,
[11:50.86]And ouch, I hurt my foot!然后哎哟,我的脚受伤了!(歌曲)

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