首页 教育资源 小学英语 2013版人教英语( 三起点) 六年级下



[00:01.00]Unit One How tall are you?第一单元 你有多高?
[00:04.92]I'm 21 metres tall. 我身高21米。
[00:07.43]I'm the tallest!我是最高的!
[00:10.18]I'm 1.6 metres tall. 我身高1.6米。
[00:13.26]I'm taller than this dinosaur.我比这只恐龙高。
[00:16.83]It's so tall!它这么高啊!
[00:20.65]Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. 一些恐龙比房子都大,
[00:23.98]Some are smaller than our schoolbags.而一些恐龙比我们的背包还小。
[00:27.84]How heavy is it?它体重多少?
[00:30.22]It's five tons.它体重五吨。
[00:32.98]What size are your shoes?你穿多大号的鞋?
[00:36.48]My shoes are size 35.我穿35号的鞋。
[00:40.61]A Let's tryA 听力练习
[00:44.72]The children are in the museum. 孩子们正在博物馆里。
[00:47.40]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的答案。
[01:06.25]Let's talk对话练习
[01:08.84]Look! That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall.快看!那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。
[01:13.76]Yes, it is. How tall is it?是啊,它有多高?
[01:17.56]Maybe 4 metres.也许有4米高。
[01:20.35]Wow! It's taller than both of us together.哇!它比我俩加起来还高。
[01:25.41]Look! There are more dinosaurs over there!看!那边有更多的恐龙!
[01:30.15]They're all so big and tall.它们都这么的高,这么的大。
[01:33.59]Hey, this dinosaur isn't tall! 嘿,这只恐龙不高!
[01:37.02]I'm taller than this one.我比这只恐龙高。
[01:39.96]Oh, yes. How tall are you?哦,是的。你有多高?
[01:43.18]I'm 1.65 metres.我身高1.65米。
[01:47.11]How tall is Zhang Peng?张鹏有多高?
[01:50.55]Who is taller, 谁更高?
[01:52.17]Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur?张鹏和小恐龙,
[01:56.47]Let's learn一起学
[01:58.95]How tall are you?你有多高?
[02:01.54]I'm 1.61 metres.我身高1.61米。
[02:05.42]Oh! I'm taller.哦!我更高。
[02:08.47]You're older than me, too.你也比我大。
[02:34.28]B Let's tryB 听力练习
[02:38.00]Mike and Wu Yifan are talking about the weekend.迈克和吴一凡正在谈论周末。 
[02:43.00]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的答案。
[03:22.60]Let's talk对话练习
[03:24.99]Those shoes in the window are nice! 橱窗里的那些鞋子真漂亮!
[03:28.32]Let's have a look.我们去看一看吧。
[03:30.75]What size are your shoes, Mike?迈克,你穿多大号的鞋?
[03:34.13]Size 7.7号。
[03:36.77]Size 7? That's so small.7号?那太小了。
[03:41.28]In China I wear size 38 shoes.我在中国穿38号的鞋。
[03:45.59]Oh! Your feet are bigger than mine. 哦!你的脚比我的大。
[03:49.11]My shoes are size 37.我穿37号的鞋。
[03:52.90]Really? You look taller than me.是吗?你看起来比我高。
[03:57.52]But I think you are heavier. 但是我想你更重。
[03:59.75]How heavy are you?你体重多少?
[04:02.49]I'm 48 kilograms.我体重48公斤。
[04:05.84]Yes, you're heavier. 是的,你更重一点,
[04:08.04]I'm 46 kilograms.我体重46公斤。
[04:11.47]What size are Wu Yifan's shoes?吴一凡穿多大号的鞋?
[04:15.70]How heavy is Wu Yifan?吴一凡体重多少?
[04:19.56]Let's learn一起学
[04:22.03]How heavy are you, Jim?吉姆,你体重多少?
[04:25.00]I'm 52 kilograms.我体重52公斤。
[04:28.42]You're heavier than me.你比我重。
[04:49.75]Read and write读一读,写一写
[04:52.81]Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countryside. 吴一凡将和他的家人一起去乡村旅游。
[04:58.83]Wu Yifan has a story to tell Robin.吴一凡要告诉罗宾一个故事。
[05:04.01]Little Duck is watching the sun go down.小鸭子正在观看夕阳西下。
[05:07.67]It is getting lower and lower, 它变得越来越低,
[05:10.13]but his shadow is getting longer and longer.但是他的影子变得越来越长。
[05:14.03]"Why is that?" “那是为什么呢?”
[05:15.94]Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree. 小鸭子问他的朋友老树,
[05:20.20]"You are older and smarter than me. “你比我年龄大,也比我聪明,请告诉我:
[05:23.45]Tell me-why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?"当太阳变得更低的时候,为什么我的影子变得更长?”
[05:29.16]Old Tree says, "That's easy, Little Duck. 老树说:“小鸭子,那很容易理解。
[05:34.05]The sun goes down every day, 太阳每天都要落下,
[05:37.49]and we grow older every day.并且我们每天都要变老。
[05:40.31]Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. 你的影子变长,是因为你变得更高了。
[05:44.89]You are becoming a big beautiful bird!"你将成为一只高大美丽的鸟!”
[05:48.74]Can you answer Little Duck's question, Robin?罗宾,你能回答小鸭子的问题吗?
[05:52.79]Let's check小测验
[05:55.22]Listen and tick.听录音,打对勾,选出正确的图片。
[07:27.67]Listen again and write the answers to the questions.再听一遍录音,然后把问题的答案写下来。
[08:59.42]C Story timeC 故事时间
[09:03.22]They need a new goalkeeper.他们需要一个新的守门员。
[09:06.97]I'd like to have a try.我想试一试。
[09:09.78]Me too.我也是。
[09:12.09]I can't wait.我等不及了。
[09:14.95]How tall are you?你有多高?
[09:17.64]I'm 1.8 metres.我身高1.8米。
[09:20.82]How heavy are you?你体重多少?
[09:23.62]I'm 86 kilograms.我体重86公斤。
[09:27.05]Mr Zebra is 10 centimetres taller than Mr Deer.斑马先生比鹿先生高10厘米。
[09:32.64]Yes, and he's stronger. 是的,并且他更强壮,
[09:35.59]But he can't catch the ball!但是他接不住球!
[09:39.01]I'm the tallest one.我是最高的。
[09:41.95]Sorry. Your neck is too long. 抱歉,你的脖子太长了,
[09:45.44]The others can't reach you.其他的人无法靠近你。
[09:47.69]Football needs teamwork.足球运动需要团队合作。
[09:50.78]What's happening here?这儿发生了什么事?
[09:53.47]Oh! Here's the one we want!哦!这就是我们想要的人!
[09:57.58]Why? He's too heavy!为什么?他太重了!
[10:01.09]We need a big guy!我们需要一个大家伙!
[10:04.48]Oh! He's almost bigger than the goal!哦!他几乎比球门都大!
[10:09.01]Yes! He's an excellent goalkeeper.是的!他是名优秀的守门员。
[10:13.30]Songs in Unit 1第一单元歌曲
[10:16.58]My small cat我的小猫
[10:27.73]My small cat, my small cat, 我的小猫,我的小猫,
[10:35.09]My small cat is smaller than yours. 我的小猫比你的猫小。
[10:42.65]He's smaller and shorter and younger than yours. 他比你的猫小,比你的猫短,比你的猫年轻。
[10:46.75]My small cat. 我的小猫。
[10:58.89]My big dog, my big dog, 我的大狗,我的大狗,
[11:06.32]My big dog is bigger than yours.我的大狗比你的狗大。
[11:13.77]He's bigger and longer 他比你的狗大,比你的狗长,
[11:16.53]and stronger than yours. 比你的狗强壮。
[11:18.84]My big dog.我的大狗。(歌曲)

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