首页 教育资源 小学英语 2013版人教英语( 三起点) 五年级下


[00:01.00]Recycle 2复习二
[00:03.91]Mike's summer camp迈克的夏令营
[00:07.38]Mike is at summer camp.迈克参加了夏令营。
[00:10.17]What will he do? 他将做什么?
[00:12.57]Listen and match.听录音,把图片与对应的日期相连。
[01:29.06]Listen to dialogue 2 and tick the right picture.听对话二,打对勾选出正确的图片。
[01:34.47]What are the children doing?孩子们正在做什么?
[01:50.06]Listen to dialogue 1 and 4.听对话一和对话四,
[01:53.84]Choose the right answers.选择正确的答案。
[02:33.44]Read the chant and write the months in the correct column.读歌谣,把月份写在正确的那一列。
[03:05.25][02:38.98]Thirty days has September, April,九月、四月、
[03:07.75][02:42.78]June and November;六月和十一月均有三十天;
[03:10.39][02:44.72]February has twenty-eight alone. 二月仅有二十八天。
[03:13.11][02:47.11]All the rest have thirty-one.除了在闰年,
[03:15.89][02:50.26]Except in leap year.余下的月份均有三十一天。
[03:17.32][02:51.50]That's the time.在闰年,
[03:18.54][02:52.82]When February's days are twenty-nine.二月份有二十九天。(歌曲)
[03:28.94]Read the sentences.读句子,
[03:31.77]Find "friends" for the words in this table.为表格中的单词找“朋友”。
[03:36.03]Where is the monkey going on Thursday?猴子星期四要去哪里?
[03:39.52]He's swimming in the park in the south.他将去南边的公园游泳。
[03:43.28]What is the monkey doing on his birthday?猴子在他生日那一天做什么?
[03:47.41]I think he's playing and drinking with his friends.我想他会和他的朋友们尽情地玩,尽情地喝。

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