首页 教育资源 小学英语 2013版人教英语( 三起点) 五年级下


[00:01.00]Unit 6 Work quietly!第六单元 安静地干活儿!
[00:05.40]Haha. Look!哈哈,看!
[00:06.43]They're eating lunch! They're so cute.它们正在吃午餐!它们真可爱。
[00:11.11]Yes, they are!是的,确实是!
[00:16.08]Dum-de-dum …当里个当,当里个当……
[00:19.07]Work quietly!保持安静!
[00:22.07]Zoom! Keep your desk clean!祖姆!保持桌面整洁!
[00:28.37]Keep to the right, please.请靠右走。
[00:31.02]Where is Amy?艾米在哪里?
[00:33.59]She's listening to music in the classroom.她正在教室里听音乐。
[00:37.75]A Let's tryA 听录音,试着回答问题
[00:41.68]Listen and tick.听录音,打对勾,选出与听力内容对应的图片。
[01:02.01]Let's talk对话练习
[01:04.48]Look at the pandas.看熊猫。
[01:07.22]What are they doing?它们正在做什么?
[01:09.73]Haha. They're eating lunch!哈哈。它们正在吃午餐!
[01:12.91]They're so cute.它们真可爱。
[01:15.02]Oh, yes! They like bamboo.哦,是的!它们喜欢竹子。
[01:19.39]What's the little monkey doing?小猴子正在做什么?
[01:22.28]It's playing with its mother!它正在跟它的妈妈玩!
[01:25.37]Do you see any elephants?你看到一些大象了吗?
[01:28.71]Yes! Look there!是的!看那边!
[01:31.03]The elephant is drinking water.大象正在喝水。
[01:33.69]Let's learn一起学
[01:36.07]It's 7:30 p.m.现在是晚上7:30。
[01:38.77]What's Chen Jie doing?陈洁正在做什么?
[01:41.72]She's listening to music.她正在听音乐。
[01:44.62]It's 9 o'clock.现在是九点整。
[01:46.54]What are the students doing?同学们正在做什么?
[01:49.50]doing morning exercises早上6:00 做早操
[01:56.74]having … class上午9:00 上……课
[02:01.68]eating lunch上午11:30 吃午餐
[02:06.40]reading a book下午4:00 看书
[02:11.02]listening to music晚上7:30 听音乐
[02:15.99]Let's spell拼写练习
[02:19.04]Read, listen and chant.读单词,听录音,并唱歌谣。
[02:23.34]wh wh
[02:37.99]wh wh
[02:49.97]Let's chant.让我们一起唱。
[03:42.60]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的内容。
[04:04.93]B Let's tryB 听录音,试着回答问题
[04:08.33]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的内容。
[04:31.00]Let's talk对话练习
[04:33.40]My name is Tom.What's your name?我的名字叫汤姆。你叫什么名字?
[04:36.76]Shh. Talk quietly.嘘,小声点说话。
[04:39.89]I'm John.我是约翰,
[04:41.75]I can show you the English books.我帮你找英语书。
[04:47.02]Here they are.它们在这里。
[04:48.75]OK. Can I read the books here?好的。我能在这里看书吗?
[04:52.38]Yes.Of course.是的,当然可以。
[04:54.98]Anything else?还有什么吗?
[04:57.36]Yes. Keep your desk clean.是的,保持桌面整洁。
[05:00.62]OK.I will.Thanks.好的,我会的。谢谢。
[05:04.42[05:02.81]Let's learn一起学
[05:06.63]Can we use your crayons?我们能用下你的蜡笔吗?
[05:09.63]OK. Take turns.好的。轮流使用。
[05:13.08]Talk quietly, please.请小声说话。
[05:16.43]Keep to the right.靠右走。
[05:18.79]Keep your desk clean.保持桌面整洁。
[05:21.68]Talk quietly.小声说话。
[05:24.22]Read and write读对话,并填空
[05:27.08]The world robot exhibition世界机器人展览会
[05:31.04]Ni Hao. Ni zai gan shen me ne?你好,你在干什么?
[05:35.70]Sorry.What are you saying?我正在讲中文。
[05:40.18]I'm speaking Chinese.抱歉,你说什么?
[05:43.55]Oh, hello.What are you doing?哦,嗨,你在做什么?
[05:49.51]I'm drawing a picture.Have a look.我正在画画。你看。
[05:54.68]It's lovely.好美啊。
[05:57.48]Are you cooking?你在做饭吗?
[05:59.75]Yes.I'm cooking rice.是的,我正在煮饭。
[06:03.39]Asako is making sushi.浅子正在做寿司。
[06:06.67]Can we play music with you?我们能跟你一起演奏音乐吗?
[06:10.69]Sure.Please take turns.当然可以。请轮流进行。
[06:15.71]Are you from China?你来自中国吗?
[06:19.32]Yes, I am.是的。
[06:21.71]You're so cool! Can you teach me?你真酷!你能教我吗?
[06:28.96]Are you doing kung fu?你正在练功夫吗?
[06:32.27]Yes, I am. I'll show you.是的,我在练功夫。我展示给你看。
[06:37.31]Let's check小测验
[06:40.29]Listen and tick.听录音,打对勾,选出你所听到的内容。
[07:21.59]Listen again and write.再听一遍录音,写答案。
[08:01.42]C Story timeC 故事时间
[08:04.90]I love the film.我爱看电影。
[08:07.66]Yes. The gorilla is great!是的,大猩猩真棒!
[08:12.03]Wow! The gorilla is eating a banana.哇!大猩猩正在吃香蕉。
[08:17.16]It's so big and strong.它好大好强壮啊。
[08:20.22]Crunch! Crunch!嘎吱!嘎吱!
[08:22.68]What's that noise?那是什么声音?
[08:25.04]I'm eating popcorn.我正在吃爆米花。
[08:28.18]It's so exciting!太令人激动了!
[08:30.90]Yes, it is!是的,确实是!
[08:34.10]Shh! Talk quietly!嘘!小声说话!
[08:40.86]Look at the sign.看标语。
[08:43.58]Oh, no!哦,不!
[08:46.30]Songs in unit 6第六单元歌曲
[08:49.93]School days上学日
[09:10.27]School days! School days! 上学日!上学日!
[09:14.46]We come to work and play. 我们来上学,我们来玩。
[09:18.99]We need to work and talk quietly.我们需要上课,我们需要小声说话。
[09:23.38]And listen every day.并且每天听一听。
[09:27.89]We need to keep our desks clean.我们需要保持桌面整洁。
[09:32.23]We need to take turns to talk. 我们需要轮流讲话。
[09:36.72]Keep to the left, And keep to the right. 靠左走,靠右走。
[09:41.08]And you will be a good student at school.你将是一名好学生。(歌曲)

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