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[00:02.00]Unit Two Ways to go to school第二单元 上学方式
[00:06.25]Wait! Don't go at the red light!等等!别闯红灯!
[00:13.16]You must pay attention to the traffic lights.你必须注意交通信号灯。
[00:17.45]Good morning, John. How do you go to school?早上好,约翰。你怎么去学校?
[00:22.60]I often go by subway.通常我坐地铁去学校。
[00:25.54]Hi, Mike. Is this your bike?嗨,麦克。这是你的自行车吗?
[00:33.47]Thanks. How do you come to school?谢谢。你怎么来学校的?
[00:37.38]I usually come on foot.通常我走路来。
[00:41.06]A Let's tryA 试一试
[00:43.61]Amy meets Mike at school this morning. 艾米今天早上在学校里遇到了麦克。
[00:46.84]Listen and tick or cross.听录音判断对错。(听力练习)
[01:12.23]Let's talk说一说
[01:14.61]Good morning, Mrs Smith!早上好,史密斯老师!
[01:17.05]Hi, children. You're early. 你们好,孩子们。
[01:20.44]How do you come to school?你们今天来的很早。你们怎么来学校的?
[01:23.77]Usually, I come on foot. 通常我走路来。
[01:26.48]Sometimes I come by bus.有时我也会坐公交车来。
[01:29.71]I often come by bike.我通常骑自行车来。
[01:32.61]How do you come to school,你怎么来学校,
[01:34.97]Mrs Smith? By car?史密斯老师?开车?
[01:38.52]Sometimes, but I usually walk.有时会,但是我通常走路来。
[01:42.49]That's good exercise.那是个很好的锻炼方式。
[01:45.66]How do Mike, Amy and Mrs Smith come to school?麦克,艾米和史密斯老师怎么来学校的?
[01:51.83]Let's learn学一学
[01:53.51]Let's go to the nature park.让我们去自然公园。
[01:59.68]How do we get there?我们怎么去哪儿?
[02:02.99]By bus.乘公交车。
[02:05.15]on foot走路
[02:09.58]by bus乘公交车
[02:14.17]by taxi打车
[02:18.49]by plane乘飞机
[02:23.09]by ship乘船
[02:27.37]by subway坐地铁
[02:31.71]by train坐火车
[02:35.14]B Let's tryB 试一试
[02:38.77]What does Mrs Smith tell the children to do? 史密斯太太告诉孩子们去做什么?
[02:42.73]Listen and tick.听录音并打勾。(听力练习)
[03:13.10]Let's talk说一说
[03:14.68]Mr Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?约翰先生我怎么去复兴医院?
[03:20.34]Take the No. 57 bus over there.去那边乘57路公交车。
[03:25.41]Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes!谢谢。哇!这么多的自行车照片!
[03:31.63]They're from my cousin in the USA.这些照片来自我在美国的表弟。
[03:35.71]What's this?这是什么?
[03:37.95]A helmet. In the USA people on bikes must wear one.一个头盔。在美国骑自行车的人必须带(头盔)。
[03:44.54]I see. Oh, the bus is coming! 我知道了。哦,公交车来了!
[03:48.40]Bye, Mr Jones.再见,约翰先生。
[03:53.03]Hey, don't go at the red light!嗨,别闯红灯!
[03:57.52]Oh, right! Thanks. 哦,对!谢谢。
[04:00.07]I must pay attention to the traffic lights!我必须注意交通信号灯!
[04:04.48]What do you learn about riding a bike from the dialogue?关于骑自行车你从对话中学到了什么?
[04:10.22]Let's learn学一学
[04:12.43]Look! The park is over there! Let's go!看!公园就在那边!我们走!
[04:18.22]Please wait! It's red now. 请等一等!现在是红灯。
[04:21.31]We must stop and wait.我们必须停下来等一等。
[04:24.97]Slow down and stop at a yellow light.黄灯的时候要慢慢停下来。
[04:29.77]slow down慢下来
[04:37.87]Stop and wait at a red light.红灯的时候停下来等一等。
[04:44.83]Go at a green light.绿灯行。
[04:51.52]Read and write读一读,写一写
[04:56.50]Different ways to go to school不同的去学校的方法
[05:00.45]Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany.在德国慕尼黑,一些孩子走路去学校。
[05:05.95]In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. 在美国阿拉斯加,经常下雪。
[05:10.24]Some kids go to school by sled. It's fast.一些孩子乘雪橇去学校。特别快。
[05:15.81]Some children in Jiangxi, China, 在中国江西,
[05:19.27]go to school by ferry every day.一些孩子每天摆渡去学校。
[05:23.62]In Papa Westra,y Scotland, 在苏格兰帕帕韦斯特雷岛,
[05:26.35]the children go to school by ferry, too.孩子们也是摆渡去学校。
[05:29.94]But in 2009, they went to school by plane 但是在2009年,他们开始乘飞机去学校,
[05:35.01]because the ferry didn't work.因为渡船已经不工作了。
[05:38.16]Grandpa, let me read this for you.爷爷,让我读给你听。
[05:42.53]Thanks, Robin.谢谢,罗宾。
[05:45.09]I don't go to school. I learn at home.我不去学校。我在家里学习。
[05:50.07]Tips for pronunciation发音的技巧
[05:53.19]Listen, look and say.听一听,看一看,说一说。
[05:56.97]come and have a look过来看一看。
[05:59.65]pictures of图片
[06:01.75]stop at a red light红灯停
[06:04.60]Let's check听力检测
[06:07.69]Listen and number.听录音标序号。(听力练习)
[07:16.48]Listen again and answer the questions.再听一次录音回答问题。(听力练习)
[08:54.81]C Story timeC 故事时间
[08:59.62]It's so good to see you, Annie!看到你真的太好了,安妮!
[09:04.14]You too, Amy. I missed you.也很高兴看到你,艾米。我想你了。
[09:08.02]Wow, Chinese food is so different from British food.哇,中国食物和英国的差别很大。
[09:13.84]Yes. Can you use chopsticks?是的。你会用筷子吗?
[09:18.51]No, I can't.你,我不会。
[09:22.91]Let's take a bus home. 我们乘公交车回家。
[09:25.70]We must cross the road. 我们要过马路。
[09:27.69]In the UK you drive on the left side. 在英国司机靠左行驶。
[09:31.02]In the China, people drive on the right side.在中国靠右行驶。
[09:36.80]I see. We must look right before crossing the road.我明白了。过马路之前我们必须看看右边。
[09:44.28]No, first left and then right!不,先看左边再看右边!
[09:49.95]Look, the bus is over there!看,公交车在那儿!
[09:54.48]Wow, it's a double-decker! 哇,是个双层公共汽车!
[09:56.91]The same as in London.和伦敦一样。
[10:02.17]Where is the door? 门在哪儿?
[10:03.93]Amy, there is no door on the bus!艾米,公交车上没有门!
[10:09.05]Haha, you're looking at the wrong side again!哈哈,你又看反了!

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