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[00:01.00]Unit Four When is Easter?第四单元 复活节是什么时候?
[00:05.33]When is Mother's Day?母亲节是哪天?
[00:08.52]It's on the second Sunday in May.它在五月份的第二个星期日。
[00:12.20]Happy birthday, Mum!妈妈,生日快乐!
[00:15.13]Thank you.谢谢。
[00:17.90]When is Mid-Autumn Day this year?今年的中秋节是什么时候?
[00:21.25]September 27th.是9月27日。
[00:24.42]What do you usually do on Mid-Autumn Day?你们在中秋节通常做什么?
[00:28.81]We eat mooncakes.我们吃月饼。
[00:30.84]My family will also eat a birthday cake.我的家人还吃生日蛋糕。
[00:35.00]A birthday cake for Mid-Autumn Day?!中秋节吃生日蛋糕?!
[00:38.61]My cousin's birthday is on Mid-Autumn Day this year!我堂弟今年的生日在中秋节!
[00:45.79]A Let's tryA 听录音,试着回答问题
[00:49.96]Which month are they talking about? 他们正在谈论哪个月?
[00:53.86]Listen and tick.听录音,打对勾选出来。
[01:08.20]Let's talk对话练习
[01:10.71]There are some special days in April.在四月份有一些特别的日子。
[01:13.19]What are they?是什么?
[01:16.04]April Fool's Day and Easter.愚人节和复活节。
[01:19.69]When is April Fool's Day?愚人节是哪天?
[01:22.55]It's on April 1st.它在4月1日。
[01:25.78]And Easter?复活节呢?
[01:27.49]It's on April 5th this year.在今年的4月5日。
[01:31.42]Wow! I love April!哇!我爱四月份!
[01:33.76]Let's learn一起学
[01:36.59]When is the sports meet?运动会是什么时候?
[01:39.41]It's on April 4th.是4月4日。
[01:42.85]April 1st4月1日
[01:47.02]April Fool's Day愚人节
[01:50.62]April 2nd2015/4/2 星期四
[01:54.93]April 3rd2015/4/3 星期五
[01:59.42]April 4th4月4日
[02:03.72]sports meet运动会
[02:06.52]April 5th4月5日
[02:13.10]Let's spell拼写练习
[02:15.77]Read, listen and chant.读单词,听录音,并唱歌谣。
[02:20.40]th th
[02:38.77]th th
[02:57.55]Let's chant.让我们一起唱。
[04:03.59]Listen,circle and say.听录音,圈出你所听到的,并练习说。
[04:28.58]B Let's tryB 听录音,试着回答问题
[04:32.08]When is the baby's birthday? 宝宝的生日是什么时候?
[04:35.49]Listen and tick.听录音,打对勾选出来。
[04:56.10]Let's talk对话练习
[04:58.70]When is your birthday?你的生日是哪天?
[05:01.48]My birthday is on April 4th.我的生日是4月4日。
[05:04.78]That's my mother's birthday, too!那也是我妈妈的生日!
[05:08.20]Cool! What will you do for your mum?真酷!你将为你妈妈做什么?
[05:12.38]I'll cook noodles for her.我要为她做长寿面。
[05:15.19]Chinese noodles are delicious!中国的面条很美味!
[05:18.64]Please come then.请那时候过来。
[05:20.19]We can have a birthday party for both of you!我们可以为你们两个举办生日派对!
[05:23.92]Let's learn一起学
[05:26.59]When is Grandpa's birthday?爷爷的生日是什么时候?
[05:30.59]It's on October 12th.是10月12日。
[05:33.64]October 12th10月12日
[05:38.70]Grandpa's birthday爷爷的生日
[05:41.16]April 20th4月20日
[05:45.69]Grandma's birthday奶奶的生日
[05:48.21]November 30th11月30日
[05:53.11]Dad's birthday爸爸的生日
[05:55.95]February 23rd2月23日
[06:01.07]Mum's birthday妈妈的生日
[06:03.73]August 21st8月21日
[06:09.14]my birthday我的生日
[06:11.69]Read and write读一读,写一写
[06:14.10]Two new kittens两只刚出生的小猫
[06:17.21]Sarah's cat has two kittens.萨拉的猫生了两只小猫。
[06:20.95]Read Sarah's diary.读萨拉的日记。
[06:24.13]April 15th My cat has two new kittens. 4月15日 我的猫刚生了两只小猫。
[06:30.93]They are pink because they are very young. 它们是粉红色的,因为它们很小。
[06:34.59]They still can't see.它们还看不见。
[06:37.12]Apri1 21st The kittens are six days old.4月21日 小猫们有六天大了。
[06:44.39]They make noises when they are hungry. 当它们饿的时候,它们会喵喵叫。
[06:47.52]They have white fur now. They are cute.它们现在长出白色的毛了。它们很可爱。
[06:52.34]April 26th Their eyes are open! 4月26日 它们的眼睛睁开了!
[06:57.51]They are blue.眼睛是蓝色的。
[07:00.19]May 3rd The kittens can walk now.5月3日 小猫们现在会走路了。
[07:05.27]They can play with Robin!它们会跟罗宾玩!
[07:08.94]Let's check小测验
[07:10.92]Listen and number.听录音,标序号。
[08:12.37]Listen again and tick or cross.再听一遍录音,判断正误,正确的打对勾,错误的画叉号。
[09:13.05]C Story time C 故事时间
[09:17.07]The singing test will be on May 4th.歌唱比赛是5月4日。
[09:21.22]I can't sing well.我唱得不好。
[09:25.06]Don't worry.Practice makes perfect.不要担心。熟能生巧。多练习就好了。
[09:29.61]Will you come to the party?
[09:32.09]Today is Rabbit's birthday.你来参加派对吗?今天是兔子的生日。
[09:34.57]Sorry,I can't.I want to practise my song.抱歉,我去不了。我想练习唱歌。
[09:41.72]Will you play football with me after lunch?你午饭后要和我一起踢足球吗?
[09:46.23]Sorry,I can't.I want to practise the song.抱歉,我踢不了。我想练习唱歌。
[09:52.94]Let's watch TV together.我们一起看电视吧。
[09:56.12]The show is very funny!表演很有趣!
[09:59.22]Sorry. I need more practice.抱歉,我需要多多练习。
[10:04.48]Good job, Zoom.祖姆,唱得好。
[10:07.46]Thank you, Miss Bird.鸟小姐,谢谢。
[10:10.28]I'll go swimming tonight. Will you go?我今晚要去游泳,你去吗?
[10:14.86]Of course!当然了!
[10:17.67]Songs in unit 4第四单元歌曲
[10:20.46]When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?
[10:38.11]My birthday is in January.我的生日在一月份。
[10:41.46]My birthday is in January. 我的生日在一月份。
[10:45.11]My birthday is in January. 我的生日在一月份。
[10:48.73]It’s on January 1st.它是1月1日。
[10:52.17]My birthday is in August. 我的生日在八月份。
[10:55.04]My birthday is in August. 我的生日在八月份。
[10:58.73]My birthday is in August. 我的生日在八月份。
[11:02.81]It's on August 5th.它是8月5日。(歌曲)

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