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[00:01.00]Recycle 1复习一
[00:04.20]Sarah's weekend萨拉的周末
[00:07.08]It is Saturday morning.现在是星期六的上午。
[00:10.25]Sarah is calling her friends. 萨拉正在给她的朋友打电话。
[00:13.47]Listen and write the names.听录音,写出她朋友的名字。
[01:11.13]Sarah will visit Sydney in April.萨拉将在四月份去悉尼。
[01:15.40]She asks Stella,a friend there,about the weather.她向那里的朋友斯特拉询问关于天气的情况。
[01:20.58]Here is Stella's reply.以下是斯特拉的回复。
[01:24.26]Hi, Sarah!你好,萨拉!
[01:25.92]It is autumn in April here in Sydney.悉尼的四月是秋天。
[01:29.46]Autumn is my favourite season! 秋天是我最喜欢的季节!
[01:32.57]It is warm in the day and cool at night.白天暖和,夜晚凉爽。
[01:35.93]Many people visit us in autumn 很多人在秋天来看望我们,
[01:38.23]because they like the weather.因为他们喜欢这个天气。
[01:41.25]When you come,你来的时候,
[01:42.29]you can visit the Sydney Royal Easter Show.可以观看悉尼皇家复活节演出。
[01:46.04]It is the largest event in Australia.它是澳大利亚最大型的活动。
[01:49.70]What is the weather like in April in your city?你所在的城市四月份的天气怎么样?
[01:53.68]What do you often do?你经常做些什么呢?
[01:56.05]All the best,Stella祝你一切顺利, 斯特拉
[01:59.78]Sarah often reads to Sam.萨拉经常给萨姆读书。
[02:03.82]This is a poem that Sarah will read today.这是萨拉今天准备朗读的一首诗。
[02:08.70]Bed in Summer夏日里的床
[02:11.65]by Robert Louis Stevenson作者:罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森
[02:15.11]In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candlelight.冬天里我在黑夜起床,借着黄色烛光穿好衣裳。
[02:20.82]In summer, quite the other way,夏天里,恰好反过来,
[02:23.79]I have to go to bed by day.大白天我就得上床睡觉。
[02:26.77]I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, 我不得不上床,看见鸟儿仍在树上跳跃,
[02:32.78]Or hear the grown-up people's feet Still going past me in the street.要么听见大人的脚步声。在大街上走过我身边。
[02:39.46]And does it seem hard to you,你不觉得这对你来说挺难的吗?
[02:42.29]When all the sky is clear and blue, 天空那么晴朗、那么蓝,
[02:45.54]And I should like so much to play,我多么想玩,
[02:48.49]To have to go to bed by day?可大白天就得上床?

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