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[00:01.00]Unit One My day第一单元 我的一天
[00:04.62]When do you get up?你几点钟起床?
[00:07.10]I often get up at 7 o'clock.我经常在七点钟起床。
[00:10.87]When do you start class in Spain?在西班牙,你们几点钟开始上课?
[00:14.31]Usually at 9 o'clock.通常是九点钟。
[00:17.30]I always start class at 8 o'clock.我总是在8点钟开始上课。
[00:20.60]What do you do on the weekend?你周末都做些什么?
[00:23.69]I often clean my room and wash my clothes.我经常打扫房间、洗衣服。
[00:28.65]Sometimes I play ping-pong with Zhang Peng.我有时候和张鹏打乒乓球。
[00:32.60]Today is Sunday! What do you do on the weekend?今天是星期日。你周末做什么?
[00:37.67]I often go shopping with my mum.我经常和我妈妈去购物。
[00:42.34]A Let's tryA 听录音,试着回答问题。
[00:46.00]Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro? 张鹏和佩德罗在哪里?听录音,勾出正确答案。
[00:50.17]Listen and tick.
[01:20.83]Let's talk对话练习
[01:23.26]When do you finish class in the morning?你们上午的课到几点结束?
[01:25.90]We finish class at 1 o'clock.我们一点钟结束上午的课。
[01:29.45]Then we eat lunch at home.然后回家吃午饭。
[01:31.42]Wow! When do you go back to school after lunch?哇哦!午饭后你们几点回到学校?
[01:36.99]At 2:30. Classes start at 3 o'clock.两点半。三点钟开始上课。
[01:40.95]When do you usually eat dinner in Spain?在西班牙,你们通常几点钟吃完饭?
[01:45.67]Usually at 9:30 or 10 o'clock.通常在九点半或者十点钟。
[01:49.00]Wow! That's too late!哇哦!那也太晚了!
[01:52.86]Let's learn大家一起学
[01:55.26]When do you do morning exercises?你们几点钟做早操?
[01:58.84]At 7 o'clock.七点钟。
[02:01.49]do morning exercises做早操
[02:08.02]eat breakfast吃早饭
[02:12.39]have … class上……课
[02:17.63]play sports做运动
[02:21.74]eat dinner吃晚饭
[02:25.71]Let's spell拼写练习
[02:29.29]Read, listen and chant.读单词,听录音并唱歌谣。
[02:33.05]cl cl
[02:51.81]pl pl
[03:10.83]Let's chant.让我们一起唱。
[03:50.63]class, clock, plate, eggplant, clean, play班级,时钟,盘子,茄子,打扫,玩耍
[04:03.50]Now it's your turn!现在该你读了!
[04:26.22]B Let's tryB 听录音,试着回答问题。
[04:29.46]Where is Sarah? Listen and circle.萨拉在哪里?听录音,圈出正确的答案。
[04:57.31]Let's talk对话练习
[04:59.97]Why are you shopping today?你为什么今天去购物?
[05:03.16]My mum worked last night.我妈妈昨晚工作。
[05:06.29]So I'm shopping today.所以我今天来买东西。
[05:09.01]Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend?好孩子!那么你周末做什么呢?
[05:14.64]I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。
[05:20.07]That sounds like a lot of fun.听上去很有意思。
[05:24.10]Yes, but I'm also hard-working.是啊,不过我也很勤快。
[05:27.73]I usually wash my clothes.我通常洗衣服。
[05:30.11]Sometimes I cook dinner.有时我做饭。
[05:33.19]You're so busy! You need a robot to help you!你真忙啊!你需要一个机器人来帮助你!
[05:39.04]Let's learn一起学
[05:41.48]I often clean my room on Saturdays!我经常在周六打扫房间!
[05:45.77]clean my room打扫房间
[05:50.78]go for a walk去散步
[05:55.51]go shopping去购物
[05:59.87]take a dancing class上舞蹈课
[06:05.82]Read and write读读写写
[06:08.59]Robin's play 罗宾的话剧
[06:11.17]Robin is in a play. 罗宾在演一个话剧。
[06:14.83]He is Robinson Crusoe. 他扮演鲁滨逊·克鲁索。
[06:18.08]Here is a letter from him. 这是他写来的信。
[06:20.70]My name is Robinson.我叫鲁滨逊。
[06:23.93]I live on an island.我住在岛上。
[06:26.63]I always get up early every day.我每天总是很早起床。
[06:30.52]I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast.我洗脸,然后吃早饭。
[06:34.65]Sometimes I clean my cave, too.我有时候也打扫我的山洞。
[06:38.16]I often go swimming in the water.我经常去水里游泳。
[06:42.06]In the afternoon,I play sports with my friend. 下午,我和我的朋友做运动。
[06:46.91]His name is Friday.我的朋友名叫星期五。
[06:49.52]Friday is good at sports.星期五很擅长运动。
[06:53.31]He often wins.他经常赢我。
[06:56.13]Let's check小测验
[06:58.44]Listen and tick.听录音,勾出答案。
[07:16.77]C Story timeC 故事时间
[07:20.53]It's Saturday now.Zoom,现在是星期六。
[07:22.99]I'm always very busy.祖姆,我总是特别忙。
[07:28.17]Let me see. From Monday to Wednesday, 让我想想。从星期一到星期三,
[07:31.72]I usually collect nuts in the afternoon.我通常在下午收坚果。
[07:34.97]What else?还有呢?
[07:37.37]On Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun.星期四,我经常在阳光下晒坚果。
[07:42.83]On Friday, I eat nuts with my friends.星期五,我和我的朋友们吃坚果。
[07:47.23]What do you usually do on the weekend?你周末通常做些什么呢?
[07:51.09]I often watch TV, 我经常看看电视,
[07:54.37]but this weekend I have a show.但是这个周末我有一场表演。
[07:56.67]I'll play the pipa.我要弹琵琶。
[08:01.05]Saturday, at 12 o'clock.Oh, no!星期六,十二点。哦,不!
[08:07.01]Songs in unit 1第一单元歌曲
[08:10.14]My weekend我的周末
[08:53.69][08:22.54]I like to do things on the weekend.我喜欢在周末做事。
[08:58.91][08:27.79]I clean my room and go shopping at the mall. 我打扫房间,去商场购物。
[09:04.14][08:32.74]I have a music class and do exercises. 我上音乐课,做运动。
[09:09.39][08:38.08]I play football and play basketball.我踢足球,打篮球。(歌曲)

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