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[00:02.00]Unit One What's he like?第一单元 他什么样?
[00:06.28]This is Amy. She's quiet. 这是艾米。她很安静。
[00:09.14]She's very hard-working.她很勤奋。
[00:12.01]That is Wu Yifan. 那是吴一凡。
[00:14.01]He's very clever. He's polite, too.他很聪明。他也很有礼貌。
[00:18.12]Hello. My name is Oliver.你好,我的名字是奥利弗。
[00:25.24]Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.王老师将会是我们新的语文老师。
[00:29.11]What's she like?她什么样?
[00:31.78]She's very kind.她很和蔼。
[00:34.45]Is she strict?她严厉吗?
[00:36.86]Yes, sometimes.是的,有时很严厉。
[00:39.71]We have a new PE teacher. 我们有一个新来的体育老师。
[00:42.19]He's a good football player.他是一名优秀的足球运动员。
[00:46.99]A Let's tryA 让我们试一试
[00:50.12]Wu Yifan and Oliver see Mr Li.吴一凡和奥利弗看到了李老师。
[00:54.06]Look at the pictures below. Listen and tick.看下面的图片,听录音,选出你所听到的。
[01:22.02]Let's talk让我们说一说
[01:24.80]Do you know Mr Young?你认识杨先生吗?
[01:27.85]No, I don't. Who is he?不,我不认识。他是谁?
[01:31.49]He's our music teacher.他是我们的音乐老师。
[01:34.43]Is he young?他年轻吗?
[01:36.54]No, he isn't. He's old.不,他不年轻。他老了。
[01:40.60]Is he funny?他有趣吗?
[01:42.99]Yes, he is.是的,他很有趣。
[01:45.58]Great! I like funny teachers.好极了!我喜欢有趣的老师。
[01:49.16]Let's learn让我们学一学
[01:51.52]Who's your art teacher?谁是你的美术老师?
[01:54.26]Mr Jones.琼斯先生。
[01:56.79]Is he young?他年轻吗?
[01:59.08]Yes, he is.是的,他很年轻。
[02:01.63]Mr Young music teacher杨先生 音乐老师
[02:09.07]Mr Jones art teacher琼斯先生 美术老师
[02:16.46]Miss Green science teacher格林女士 科学老师
[02:23.48]Miss White English teacher怀特女士 英语老师
[02:30.67]Mr Li maths teacher李先生 数学老师
[02:38.23]Let's spell让我们拼一拼
[02:40.77]Read, listen and chant.读一读,听一听,唱一唱。
[02:44.70]y baby happy windy sunny sorry
[03:05.14]Let's chant.让我们一起来唱一唱。
[04:00.39]Listen, number and say.听录音,标序号,并说一说。
[04:32.67]Listen, write and say.听一听,写一写,说一说。
[05:12.96]Let's talk让我们说一说
[05:18.46]Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.嗨,王老师将是我们的新语文老师。
[05:22.73]Really? What's she like?真的吗?她什么样?
[05:26.35]She's kind.她很和蔼。
[05:28.56]Is she strict?她严厉吗?
[05:31.46]Yes, sometimes.是的,有时很严厉。
[05:33.56]Do you know her?你认识她吗?
[05:36.07]Yes. She's my mother!是的,她是我的妈妈!
[05:39.04]Haha. Cool!哈哈,真棒!
[05:41.79]Let's learn让我们学一学
[05:44.29]What's Wu Yifan like?吴一凡什么样?
[05:47.62]He's hard-working.他很勤奋。
[06:08.69]Read and write读一读,写一写
[06:11.80]Meet Robin!遇见罗宾!
[06:14.66]Sept. 1st, Tuesday九月一号 星期二
[06:18.37]I have a robot! His name is Robin. 我有一个机器人!他的名字是罗宾。
[06:22.10]My grandpa made him.我爷爷制造了他。
[06:24.93]Robin is short but strong. He is really clever. 罗宾很矮但是很强壮。他真的很聪明。
[06:30.18]He can speak Chinese and English.他会说中文和英语。
[06:34.20]He is hard-working. He is very helpful at home.他很勤奋。他在家里非常乐于助人。
[06:39.22]He is strict, too. He makes me finish my homework!他也很严厉。他让我完成家庭作业!
[06:45.04]Let's check让我们检查一下
[06:47.47]Listen and circle.听一听,圈一圈。
[07:17.17]Listen again and answer.再听一遍录音,并回答问题
[07:54.55]C Story timeC 故事时间
[08:00.86]Our new PE teacher will come today!我们的新体育老师今天会来!
[08:04.80]Really? What's he like?真的吗?他什么样?
[08:08.93]I only know he's a good football player.我只知道他是一名优秀的足球运动员。
[08:13.38]He must be tall and strong!他肯定又高又强壮!
[08:19.98]Oh, no! I missed!噢,不!我没进球!
[08:25.28]Can I join you?我可以加入你们吗?
[08:29.15]You're very thin and so short. Can you paly football?你这么瘦又这么矮。你会踢足球吗?
[08:34.91]Sure. Let me show you.当然了。让我踢给你们看。
[08:46.29]Rabbit scores ten goals.兔子进了十个球。
[08:52.86]Ten to three! We win!十比三!我们赢了!
[08:58.62]You're great!你太棒了!
[09:02.06]Our new PE teacher is a great football player, too.我们的新体育老师也是一名很棒的足球运动员。
[09:09.52]I am your new PE teacher!我是你们的新体育老师!

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