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小学英语人教(13版三起点)三年级下册Unit 6

[00:02.00]Unit Six How many? 第六单元 有多少?
[00:05.49]How many birds do you see? 你看见了多少只鸟?
[00:10.92]I see 13! 我看见了十三只!
[00:15.37]How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支蜡笔?
[00:19.39]I have 16. 我有十六支。
[00:23.51]How many balloons do you have? 你有多少个气球?
[00:28.23]I have 11. 我有十一个。
[00:31.90]A Let's talk A 我们来说一说
[00:35.75]Look at the kites! 看那些风筝!
[00:37.81]Wow, so beautiful! 哇,真漂亮啊!
[00:40.79]How many kites do you see? 你看见了多少只风筝呀?
[00:44.07]1, 2 ... I see 12! 一,二……我看见了十二只!
[00:50.06]No! The black one is a bird! Oh! 不!黑色的那个是只鸟!哦!
[00:55.81]Let's learn 我们来学一学
[00:58.48]How many fish do you see? 你看见了多少只鱼?
[01:01.69]1, 2 ...14, 15. I see fifteen. 一,二……十四,十五。我看见了十五只。
[01:11.95]eleven 十一
[01:17.01]twelve 十二
[01:22.67]thirteen 十三
[01:28.03]fourteen 十四
[01:33.75]fifteen 十五
[01:39.71]Let's chant 我们来说唱
[01:46.80]Hello, my friend. Please tell me.
[01:50.79]How many cars do you see?
[01:54.90]One, two, three ...I see eleven.
[02:07.30]One, two, three ...I see eleven.
[02:15.46]Hello, my friend. Please tell me.
[02:19.48]How many balls do you see?
[02:23.54]One, two, three ...I see twelve.
[02:35.86]One, two, three ...I see twelve.
[02:44.03]Hello, my friend. Please tell me.
[02:48.06]How many caps do you see?
[02:52.11]One, two, three ...I see thirteen.
[03:06.58]One, two, three ...I see thirteen.
[03:16.83]Hello, my friend. Please tell me.
[03:20.81]How many kites do you see?
[03:24.87]One, two, three ...I see fourteen.
[03:39.30]One, two, three ...I see fourteen.
[03:49.52]Hello, my friend. Please tell me.
[03:53.56]How many boats do you see?
[03:57.63]One, two, three ...I see fifteen.
[04:12.13]One, two, three ...I see fifteen.
[04:24.03]Let's spell 我们来拼写
[04:26.60]Chant and write. 说唱并写一写。
[04:29.45]a e i o u
[05:49.12]B Let's talk B 我们来说一说
[05:53.63]Wu Yifan, what's this? 吴一凡,这是什么?
[05:57.19]My new crayons. 我的新蜡笔。
[06:00.70]Wow! How many crayons do you have? 哇! 你有多少支蜡笔?
[06:05.34]Open it and see! 打开看看!
[06:08.81]1, 2 ...16. 一,二……十六。
[06:14.36]You have 16 crayons! 你有十六支蜡笔!
[06:17.71]Let's learn 我们来学一学
[06:20.65]How many cars do you have? 你们有多少辆小汽车?
[06:23.75]We have twenty. 我们有二十辆。
[06:27.11]sixteen 十六
[06:32.33]seventeen 十七
[06:38.74]eighteen 十八
[06:43.81]nineteen 十九
[06:50.86]twenty 二十
[06:56.82]Let's chant 我们来说唱
[07:02.48]How many do you have? How many do you see?
[07:09.89]10 and 8 makes 18. Can you count with me?
[07:15.32]How many do you have? How many do you see?
[07:20.87]4 times 5 makes 20. Can you count with me?
[08:01.22]Start to read 开始读一读
[08:05.36]Read and match. 读一读并连线搭配。(听力练习)
[08:32.47]Let's check 我们来检测一下
[08:34.31]Listen and tick (√) or cross (×). 听一听并判断对错。(听力练习)
[09:58.34]Listen and number. 听一听并标序号。(听力练习)
[10:35.65]Let's sing 我们来唱一唱
[10:37.73]One, two, three, four, five 一,二,三,四,五
[10:48.93]One, two, three, four, five.
[10:52.54]Once I caught a fish alive.
[10:56.41]Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
[10:59.75]Then I let it go again.
[11:03.58]Why did you let it go?
[11:07.11]Cause it bit my finger so.
[11:10.77]Which finger did it bite?
[11:14.44]This little finger on the right.
[11:23.44]One, two, three, four, five.
[11:27.14]Once I caught a fish alive.
[11:30.76]Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
[11:34.42]Then I let it go again.
[11:38.11]Why did you let it go?
[11:41.71]Cause it bit my finger so.
[11:45.33]Which finger did it bite?
[11:48.96]This little finger on the right.
[13:12.33]C Story time C 故事时间
[13:18.07]Wow! So many apples! 哇!好多苹果啊!
[13:21.03]Let's have a race. 我们来比赛吧。
[13:22.68]Good idea! 好主意!
[13:25.30]1, 2, 3, 4.
[13:32.40]5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
[13:44.29]17, 18, 19, 20.
[13:56.67]Look, I have 17! 看,我有十七个!
[13:59.85]How many apples do you have? 你有多少个苹果?
[14:02.68]Oh, no! I have only three! 哦,不!我只有三个!
[14:08.15]I won! 我赢了!
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