首页 教育资源 小学英语 2013版人教英语( 三起点) 三年级上


[00:01.00]Unit six Happy birthday!第6单元 生日快乐!
[00:05.68]How old are you?你多大了?
[00:07.63]I'm six.我六岁。
[00:10.04]Happy birthday!生日快乐!
[00:12.45]1, 2 ...1,2 ……
[00:15.85]A Let's talk. 一起谈论。
[00:19.40]This one, please.这一个,请。
[00:22.23]Sure. How many plates?当然。多少盘子?
[00:26.18]OK. Here you are.好的。给你。
[00:28.83]Let's learn.我们来学习。
[00:31.21]1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
[00:57.21]Let's chant.我们来歌唱。
[01:05.66]Jump! Jump! Jump! One, two, three!
[01:08.54]Jump! Jump! Jump! Three, two, one!
[01:11.55]Four and five! Four and five!
[01:14.59]Jump up high! Jump up high! Five! Four!
[01:19.05]Three, two, one! Jump! Jump! It's so fun!
[01:57.92]Letters and sounds.字母和发音。
[02:01.77]Listen, repeat and chant.听,重复并吟唱。
[02:06.29]U u umbrella under U 雨伞 在……之下
[02:11.49]V v vet vest  V 诊疗 背心
[02:14.59]W w wet water  W 潮湿的 水
[02:18.54]X x fox box  X 狐狸 盒子
[02:22.88]Y y yellow yo-yo  Y 黄色的 悠悠球
[02:26.83]Z z zoo Zip  Z 动物园 Zip
[02:59.24]U u umbrella under U 雨伞 在……之下
[03:09.16]V v vet vest  V 诊疗 背心
[03:19.51]W w wet water  W 潮湿的 水
[03:29.80]X x fox box  X 狐狸 盒子
[03:40.95]Y y yellow yo-yo  Y 黄色的 悠悠球
[03:51.88]Z z zoo Zip  Z 动物园 Zip
[04:02.56]Listen and circle. 听一听并画圈。
[04:56.56]B Let's talk. B 一起谈论。
[05:00.53]John, this is my brother, Sam.
[05:04.27]Hi, Sam. Happy birthday!嗨,山姆。生日快乐!
[05:07.57]Thank you.谢谢你。
[05:10.44]How old are you?你多大了?
[05:12.21]I'm six years old.我六岁了。
[05:15.20]Let's learn.我们来学习。
[05:17.68]I'm six years old.我六岁了。
[05:43.29]Let's do.我们来做一做。
[05:52.03]Show me six. Show me seven. 给我六、给我七。
[05:59.32]Show me eight. Show me nine. 给我八。给我九。
[06:05.52]Show me ten.给我十。
[06:10.66]Let's check.我们来检查。
[06:12.79]Listen and tick or cross.听录音并判断。
[06:41.83]Let's sing.我们来唱歌。
[06:43.73]Ten little candles.十只小蜡烛
[06:57.52]One little, two little, three little candles.
[07:00.35]Four little, five little, six little candles.
[07:03.02]Seven little, eight little, nine little candles.
[07:05.64]Ten little candles dancing.
[07:43.78]C Story time. 故事时间。
[07:49.20]I have two gifts.我有两个礼物。
[07:52.84]Shh! There's Zoom!嘘!这是Zoom!
[07:59.56]Happy birthday!生日快乐!
[08:09.12]Thank you. 谢谢你。
[08:10.47]Let's eat the cake!我们来吃蛋糕吧!
[08:13.27]1, 2, 3 ...
[08:16.97]I see so many candles.我看到好多蜡烛。
[08:19.65]You are old!你长大了!

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