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小学英语人教(13版三起点)四年级上册Unit 3


[00:02.00]Unit Three My friends第三单元 我的朋友
[00:05.09]She's short and thin.她又矮又瘦。
[00:07.15]She has two big eyes.她长着一双大眼睛。
[00:09.37]She's cute.她很可爱。
[00:11.92]What's her name?她叫什么名字?
[00:13.69]She's short and she has long hair.
[00:17.30]She has an orange schoolbag.
[00:20.79]It's me, Sarah.是我,萨拉。
[00:23.81]Guess! He's strong and he has two big eyes.
[00:28.79]He's very friendly.他非常友善。
[00:31.78]It's Zhang Peng.是张鹏。
[00:34.33]Who's he?他是谁?
[00:36.63]Wu Yifan!He's tall and thin.吴一凡!他又高又瘦,
[00:41.05]He has glasses.并且戴着眼镜。
[00:43.88]A Let's talk一起练习对话
[00:47.39]Mum, I have a new friend.妈妈,我有一个新朋友。
[00:50.78]Really? A Chinese friend?真的吗?一个中国朋友?
[00:54.09]Yes, he's very friendly.是的,他非常友善。
[00:57.91]What's his name?他叫什么名字?
[01:00.39]His mame is Zhang Peng.他的名字叫张鹏。
[01:03.36]Look! He's tall and strong.看!他又高又强壮。
[01:07.27]Yes, he is.是的,他是。
[01:10.35]Let's learn学习单词和对话
[01:13.23]I have a good friend.He's tall and strong.我有一个好朋友,他又高又强壮。
[01:18.66]Who is he?他是谁?
[01:21.02]His name is...他的名字是……
[01:23.71]tall and strong又高又强壮
[01:29.59]short and thin又矮又瘦
[01:42.56]Let's chant唱首歌
[01:49.18]Tim is my friend.
[01:50.71]He's a good, good boy.
[01:52.72]He's tall and thin.
[01:54.38]He's a good, good boy.
[01:56.48]Lily is my friend.
[01:57.93]She's a cute, cute girl.
[01:59.99]She's quiet and friendly.
[02:01.73]She's a cute, cute girl.
[02:06.38]Now chant about your friends!现在歌唱一下你的朋友们!
[02:10.69]Let's spell拼写单词
[02:13.54]Read, listen and chant.先读下列单词,再听录音,最后唱出来
[02:59.10]Read, listen and tick (√).先读下列单词,再听录音,然后在正确答案处打对勾(√)
[03:19.57]Listen, circle and write.听录音,圈出正确字母,并写出单词
[03:32.22]B Let's talk一起练习对话
[03:35.45]Hi, John. I have a good friend.你好,约翰。我有一个好朋友。
[03:39.28]A boy or a girl?男孩儿还是女孩儿?
[03:42.30]A boy. He's tall and thin.一个男孩。他又高又瘦。
[03:45.75]Who is he? Zhang Peng?他是谁?是张鹏吗?
[03:49.45]No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue.不是。他戴着眼镜,他的鞋子是蓝色的。
[03:54.09]Is he Wu Yifan?他是吴一凡吗?
[03:56.79]Yes. You're right.是的,你说对了。
[03:59.71]Let's learn我们学一学
[04:02.22]My friend has blue glasses.我的朋友有一副蓝色的眼镜。
[04:05.88]It's Wu Yifan. His glasses are blue!是吴一凡。他的眼镜是蓝色的。
[04:10.57]brown shoes棕色的鞋子
[04:15.95]blue glasses蓝色的眼镜
[04:20.62]long hair长头发
[04:25.23]short hair短头发
[04:29.81]a green bag绿色的书包
[04:35.38]Read and write读句子,写答案
[04:38.36]Read and match.读句子,并把句子和对应的人名相连
[05:21.54]Let's check小测试
[05:23.77]Listen and number.听录音,标序号
[07:01.59]Let's sing唱首歌
[07:15.23]If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.
[07:19.61]If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.
[07:23.78]If your friend is tall and quiet,
[07:25.87]if your friend is tall and quiet.
[07:28.37]If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.
[08:32.69]C Story time讲故事的时间到了
[08:36.36]Wow! It's so big!哇!它好大!
[08:40.61]Oh, it's too big. I can't pull it up.噢,它太大了。我不能把它拔出来。
[08:45.24]Come on, friends. Please help me.来吧,朋友们。请来帮帮我。
[08:48.73]We're coming!我们来啦!
[08:51.56]One, two, three, pull!一二三,拔!
[08:57.41]I'm strong. Let's work together.我很强壮。我们一起拔吧。

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