首页 教育资源 小学英语 2013版人教英语( 三起点) 三年级上


[00:01.00]Unit three Look at me!第3单元 看看我!
[00:04.01]Let's play!我们来玩耍!
[00:07.69]How are you?你好吗?
[00:09.57]I'm fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。
[00:12.59]How are you?你好吗?
[00:14.10]Very well, thanks.很好,谢谢。
[00:16.45]Look at my nose!看看我的鼻子!
[00:18.89]A Let's talk. 一起谈论。
[00:22.14]Good morning.早上好。
[00:23.93]Good morning.早上好。
[00:25.78]How are you?你好吗?
[00:27.63]I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。
[00:30.24]Let's go to school!我们去上学吧!
[00:33.90]Let's play.我们来玩耍!
[00:42.24]Hello! Hello! 你好!你好!
[00:46.37]How are you?你好吗?
[00:59.11]Hello! Hello! 你好!你好!
[01:02.63]How are you?你好吗?
[01:06.80]I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。
[01:11.37]How are you?你好吗?
[01:17.62]Let's learn.我们来学习。
[01:19.46]Look at me! This is my face.看我!这是我的脸。
[01:35.36]Let's do.我们来做一做。
[01:42.87]Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼镜。
[01:45.70]Open your mouth. 张开你的嘴巴。
[01:48.47]Touch youe nose. 摸你的鼻子。
[01:51.39]Touch your ear. 摸你的耳朵。
[01:54.25]Touch your face.摸你的脸。
[01:59.40]Letters and sounds.字母和发音。
[02:02.36]Listen, repeat and chant.听录音,重复并吟唱。
[02:06.77]E e egg elephant E 蛋 大象
[02:09.65]F f face foot F 脸 脚
[02:12.64]G g green gift G 绿色 礼物
[02:15.66]H h hand hi  H 手 嗨
[02:18.58]I i ice cream ice  I 冰淇淋 冰
[02:21.25]Let's chant一起来唱一唱
[02:57.52]E e egg elephant E 蛋 大象
[03:06.90]F f face foot F 脸 脚
[03:14.69]G g green gift G 绿色 礼物
[03:24.19]H h hand hi  H 手 嗨
[03:34.22]I i ice cream ice  I 冰淇淋 冰
[03:44.58]Listen and circle.听录音并画圈。(听力练习)
[04:25.19]B Let's talk.  B 一起谈论。
[04:33.43]Hi, Mike! How are you?嗨,迈克!你好吗?
[04:36.06]Very well, thanks.很好,谢谢。
[04:39.40]Let's make a puppet!我们来做玩具吧!
[04:43.85]Let's learn.我们来学习。
[04:46.03]This is the arm.这是手臂。
[04:48.64]This is the leg.这是腿。
[05:15.02]Let's do.我们来做一做。
[05:22.59]Clap your hands. 拍手。
[05:25.49]Touch your head. 摸头。
[05:28.39]Wave your arms. 挥舞手臂。
[05:31.36]Shake your legs. 晃动腿。
[05:34.26]Shake your body. 晃动身体。
[05:37.22]Stamp your foot.跺脚。
[05:42.70]Let's check.我们来检查。
[05:45.02]Listen and number.听录音,表序号。(听力练习)
[06:17.51]Let's sing.我们来唱歌。
[06:19.64]Head and shoulders, 头和肩膀,
[06:21.46]knees and toes.膝盖和脚趾头
[06:26.21]Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
[06:28.75]knees and toes.
[06:30.21]Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
[06:32.92]knees and toes.
[06:34.47]Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
[06:38.49]Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
[06:41.27]knees and toes.
[06:46.62]Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
[06:49.36]knees and toes.
[06:50.88]Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
[06:53.57]knees and toes.
[06:55.16]Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
[06:59.20]Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
[07:01.87]knees and toes.
[07:05.22]C Story time. 故事时间。
[07:10.08]Let's make a puppet.我们来做玩具。
[07:13.35]Good idea!好主意!
[07:15.60]First, make the head.首先,做头。
[07:18.75]Then, make the body.接着,做身体。
[07:22.58]Look! An arm and a leg.看!一个手臂和一个腿。
[07:26.63]Let's play with the puppet.我们来玩玩具吧。

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