首页 教育资源 小学英语 沪教版牛津英语 一年级下

小学英语沪教版牛津一年级下module 1 unit 3


[00:01.79]Module 1 模块1
[00:03.42]Using my five senses使用我的五官
[00:06.24]Unit 3 Taste and smell
[00:10.41]Look and learn
[00:13.45]rice米饭 soup汤 egg鸡蛋 noodles面条
[00:20.26]Look and say
[00:22.83]Taste... 尝一尝...
[00:27.06]Taste the noodles,Tom.尝一尝面条,汤姆.
[00:32.04]Smell the soup,Alice.闻一闻这个汤,艾丽丝.
[00:34.66]It's nice.真香.
[00:37.41]Say and act
[00:39.48]At the restaurant 在饭店
[00:41.68]1 Can I help you?你来点什么?
[00:47.23]2 Here you are.给你.
[00:49.95]Thank you.谢谢.
[00:52.29]3 Taste it,please.请尝一尝.
[00:58.28]Play a game做游戏
[01:00.32]1 Danny,stand up.丹尼,起立.
[01:04.46]2 Alice,touch your nose.艾丽丝,摸摸你的鼻子.
[01:08.01]3 Kitty,smell the flower.基帝,闻一闻花.
[01:15.22]Listen and enjoy
[01:18.28]Smell the egg.闻一闻鸡蛋.
[01:20.18]Smell the rice.闻一闻米饭.
[01:22.24]Egg and rice,鸡蛋和米饭,
[01:26.03]Taste the soup.尝一尝汤.
[01:27.80]Taste the noodles.尝一尝面条.
[01:29.71]Soup and noodles.汤和面条,
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