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小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 4 unit 12


[00:01.00]Unit 12 The five peas第十二单元 《五颗豌豆》
[00:05.25]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:41.50]see the world见世面
[00:46.22]one by one一个接一个地
[00:50.41]look out of往外看
[00:55.01]1 Five peas lived together in a pod.五颗豌豆一起生活在同一个豆荚里。
[01:00.55]"Will we live here forever?" asked one pea.“我们会永远住在这里吗?”一颗豌豆问道。
[01:05.31]"No. We'll grow bigger and stronger.“不会。我们会变得更大更强。
[01:09.59]Then one day,然后有一天,
[01:11.25]we'll leave this pod and see the world,"我们会离开这个豆荚去见世面。”
[01:14.90]answered another pea.另一颗豌豆回答说。
[01:17.64]The peas grew bigger and bigger.豌豆变得越来越大了。
[01:22.66]One day, a boy picked the pod.有一天,一个男孩拨开了这个豆荚。
[01:26.30]"We'll soon see the world!" said the peas.“我们很快就能见世面了!”豌豆们说。
[01:30.56]They were very excited.他们非常兴奋。
[01:33.60]2 The boy took the peas out of the pod.这个男孩把豌豆从豆荚里剥了出来。
[01:38.66]"You'll make good bullets," he said.“你们会变成优秀的子弹。”他说。
[01:43.00]"I'll see the world," said the first pea.“我马上就见到世面了”。第一颗豌豆说。
[01:49.12]"I'll fly to the sun," said the second pea.“我将飞向太阳了,”第二颗豌豆说。
[01:54.52]The third and the fourth peas were lazy.第三和第四颗豌豆很懒。
[01:58.37]"We're happy anywhere.“我们在任何地方都快乐。
[02:01.07]We only want to sleep," they said.我们只想睡觉。”他们说。
[02:05.66]The fifth pea said,第五颗豌豆说:
[02:07.66]"I'll do something useful."“我要去做一些有用的事情。”
[02:11.02]5  One by one, the peas flew into the sky.一个接一个地,这些豌豆都飞上了天。
[02:18.69]6 The first pea fell on a roof,第一个颗豌豆落到了屋顶上, 
[02:22.67]and a bird ate it.并被一只鸟吃了。
[02:24.92]The second pea fell into some water.第二颗豌豆掉进了水里。
[02:28.54]The third and fourth peas fell into a yard,第三和第四颗豌豆掉进了一个院子,
[02:32.67]and two chickens ate them.被两只鸡吃了。
[02:35.59]The fifth pea hit a window and fell on the ground.第五颗豌豆击中窗户后摔在了地上。
[02:40.49]Soon it grew into a plant with some green leaves.并很快成长为一株长着绿叶的植物。
[02:45.86]7 A girl was ill.一个女孩生病了。
[02:49.81]She looked out of her window and saw the plant.她从窗户往外看,看见了这株植物。
[02:53.65]"The pea is growing bigger and taller.“豌豆会长得越来越高大。
[02:57.87]It must be strong.它一定很强壮。
[03:00.31]I'll try to do the same," she said.我也要尽力做同样的事情。”她说。
[03:04.83]A few weeks later, the girl got well.几周后,女孩的病好了。
[03:08.69]Her mother said, "Thank you, little pea."她妈妈说:“谢谢你,小豌豆。”
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