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小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 3 unit 7


[00:01.00]Module 3 Things we do第三模块 我们做的事情
[00:05.06]Unit 7 Helping others第七单元 帮助他人
[00:08.85]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:29.30]praise ... for ...因……而表扬……
[00:36.42]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[00:39.36]Today is Sunday.今天是星期日。
[00:41.65]Sally and Peter are in the park.莎莉和彼得在公园玩。
[00:45.01]A boy is crying.一个男孩在哭。
[00:47.40]Hello. What's the matter? 你好。你怎么了?
[00:51.34]Can we help you?我们能帮助你吗?
[00:53.81]I can't find my dog.我找不到我的狗了。
[00:58.22]We can help you.我们可以帮助你。
[01:00.52]What does your dog look like?你的狗长什么样?
[01:02.75]She's small and white.她很小,是白色的。
[01:06.39]She has a pink bell around her neck.她脖子上围了一个粉红色的铃铛。
[01:10.26]I saw her half an hour ago.我半小时前看到过她。
[01:13.17]She was near the gate.她在门附近。
[01:15.23]I saw her two minutes ago.我两分钟前看到过她。
[01:18.04]She was near the lake.她在湖附近。
[01:20.25]Let's go to the lake then.那么我们就去湖边吧。
[01:23.28]We should also ask the gatekeeper.我们也应该去问问门卫。
[01:26.61]Peter, you go to the lake.彼得,你去湖边。
[01:29.42]I'm going to ask the gatekeeper.我去问门卫。
[01:32.39]OK. Let's meet here in 15 minutes.好吧。我们15分钟后在这里碰面。
[01:37.25]Thank you for your help.谢谢你们的帮助。
[01:40.75]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:49.49]Read a story故事阅读
[01:52.25]The bee and the ant蜜蜂和蚂蚁
[01:56.03]1 Many people liked the bee.很多人喜欢蜜蜂。
[02:00.25]They all praised her for her hard work.他们都称赞她工作努力。
[02:04.18]The ant was not happy about this.蚂蚁对此很不高兴。
[02:09.07]He thought, "The bee works hard.他认为:“蜜蜂努力工作,
[02:12.91]She goes out Early in the morning
[02:16.20]and comestible home late in the evening.她早出晚归工作,
[02:19.40]I also work hard all day,我也一整天都在努力
[02:21.84]but people never praise me. Why?"但从来没有人赞美我。为什么?”
[02:26.62]2 One day, the ant met the bee.有一天,蚂蚁遇见了蜜蜂。
[02:34.50]Hello, Miss Bee.你好,蜜蜂小姐。
[02:36.41]Can I ask you a question?我可以问你一个问题吗?
[02:38.90]Of course, Mr Ant.当然,蚂蚁先生。
[02:41.76]Please go ahead.请说吧。
[02:44.18]You and I both work very hard.你和我都在努力地工作。
[02:47.05]People like you, but they don't like me.人们喜欢你,却不喜欢我。
[02:51.00]Why is that?这是为什么呢?
[02:53.21]You work for yourself and your queen only,你工作只为你自己和你的王后,
[02:57.25]but my work also helps flowers and people.但我的工作也有助于花和人。
[03:02.66]Listen and enjoy边听边欣赏
[03:32.51][03:07.65]If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
[03:37.39][03:13.77]If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
[03:43.30][03:20.26]If you want happiness for a week, go travelling.
[03:48.98][03:26.45]If you want happiness for a lifetime. help somebody.
[04:04.58]Learn the sounds学习发音
[04:08.11]kid dog sad chess孩子 狗 伤心的 国际象棋
[04:21.85]kitchen apple summer welcome厨房 苹果 夏天 欢迎
[04:37.31]together afternoon computer strawberry在一起 下午 电脑 草莓
[04:54.72]Good afternoon, David!下午好,大卫!
[04:59.38]Listen and say.听录音,开口说。
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