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小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 2 unit 5


[00:01.00]Unit 5 Crafts第五单元 手工艺品
[00:04.63]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:43.80]model house房子模型
[00:47.98]a long time ago很久以前
[00:53.89]at work忙着(做事情)
[00:57.40]say to oneself自言自语
[01:02.38]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[01:05.46]The students want to make presents
[01:08.82]for their families and friends.学生们想为家人和朋友做礼物。
[01:10.84]Ms Guo is helping them.郭老师正在帮他们。
[01:13.67]What do you want to make, Jill? 你想做什么,吉尔?
[01:16.82]What do you need?你需要什么?
[01:18.90]I want to make a crown.我想做一个皇冠。
[01:22.35]I need a pair of scissors.我需要一把剪刀。
[01:25.53]That sounds nice.那听起来不错。
[01:27.63]Who is it for?它是给谁的?
[01:29.44]It's for my little cousin.这是给我小表妹的。
[01:32.51]She wants to be a princess.她想成为一个公主。
[01:35.60]What about you, Peter? 你呢,彼得?
[01:37.74]What are you making?你在做什么?
[01:40.02]I'm making a toy plane for my brother.我正给我弟弟做个玩具飞机。
[01:44.04]He likes playing with toy planes.他喜欢玩玩具飞机。
[01:47.48]That's good. What are you making,那太好了。你们正在做什么,
[01:50.77]Joe and Alice?乔、爱丽丝?
[01:53.42]We're making a model house.我们正在做一个房子模型。
[01:56.76]It's for Kitty. Her birthday is coming.这是给凯蒂的。她的生日快到了。
[02:00.32]We don't have any tape.我们没有胶带。
[02:02.45]Can you give us some, please?你能给我们一些吗?
[02:08.08]Look and learn看图学习单词
[02:19.28]Read a story故事阅读
[02:21.55]Lu Ban and the saw鲁班和锯
[02:24.79]1 A long time ago, there was a craftsman.很久以前,有一个工匠。
[02:30.13]His name was Lu Ban.他的名字叫鲁班。
[02:33.19]2 One day, Lu Ban was at work on a mountain.有一天,鲁班在山上忙着工作。
[02:39.24]A leaf cut his finger. Lu Ban thought.一片叶子割破了手指。鲁班想:
[02:44.24]"How could such a small leaf hurt my finger?"”这样的一片小叶子怎么能割伤我的手指呢?”
[02:49.66]3 He looked at the leaf carefully.他仔细地观察了这片叶子。
[02:54.02]There were many teeth on the leaf,叶子上有很多齿轮,
[02:56.76]and the teeth were sharp.而且齿很锋利。
[02:59.10]"Could I make a tool with teeth like these? “我能做一个像这样的工具吗?
[03:03.66]I could cut things with it easily." 这样我就可以轻松地切断东西了。”
[03:06.59]Lu Ban said to himself.鲁班自言自语道。
[03:09.53]4 Soon Lu Ban made a saw.不久鲁班就造出了锯。
[03:15.14]It was the first saw in the world.这就是世界上的第一把锯。
[03:18.88]People are still using this tool today.现在人们仍然在使用这个工具。
[03:23.10]Listen and enjoy边听边欣赏
[03:52.73][03:28.75]Alice has a pen holder.
[03:54.90][03:31.09]She got it from her friend Ann.
[03:57.51][03:33.66]Ann made the pen holder With paper and a can.
[04:03.85][03:40.91]Tony made a paper doorknob And put it on the door.
[04:08.22][03:45.57]But every time he opens the door.
[04:10.65][03:48.00]The doorknob falls onto the floor.
[04:17.05]Learn the sounds学习发音
[04:19.77]air hair pair空气 头发 对
[04:32.05]ere where there在哪 那
[04:45.97]ear wear bear穿 熊
[04:58.72]are share分享
[05:09.69]ure sure当然
[05:19.66]our tour我们的 旅游
[05:30.24]oor poor可怜的
[05:41.38]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的单词。
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