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小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级下module 1 unit 2


[00:01.00]Unit 2 Changes in our lives第二单元 我们生活的变化
[00:05.08]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:23.31]street cleaner环卫工人
[00:35.56]street sweeper扫地车
[00:51.04]by hand用手
[00:54.66]right away立即;马上
[00:58.44]in a short time很快
[01:03.11]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[01:05.92]1 Ms Wen is a writer.温女士是一名作家。
[01:09.94]In the past, she used a pen and paper to write her books.在过去,她用笔和纸写书。
[01:15.56]Now she uses a computer.现在她用电脑写书。
[01:19.48]2 Mrs Hong is a farmer.洪太太是一位农民。
[01:23.87]In the past, she got her crops in by hand.在过去,她用手收割庄稼。
[01:28.62]Now she uses a machine.现在她用机器收割。
[01:32.11]3 Mr Zhang is a photographer.张先生是一名摄影师。
[01:37.05]In the past, he used film to take photos.在过去,他用胶卷拍摄照片。
[01:41.81]Now he uses a digital camera.现在他用数码相机拍照,
[01:45.49]He can see his photos right away.他能马上看到照片。
[01:49.37]4 Mr Yang is a street cleaner.杨先生是一个清洁工。
[01:54.13]In the past, he swept the streets with a broom. 在过去,他用扫帚扫大街。
[01:58.89]Now he drives a street sweeper.现在他开着扫地车扫地,
[02:02.37]It can clean the streets in a short time.它可以很快地清扫街道。
[02:06.57]Look and learn看图学习单词
[02:12.91]street cleaner清洁工
[02:19.28]Read a story故事阅读
[02:21.66]The happy farmer and his wife快乐的农夫和他的妻子
[02:25.09]Once upon a time, 从前,
[02:27.51]there was a poor farmer called Fred.有一个叫弗莱德的贫苦农民。
[02:30.29]He and his wife Doris lived in a small,
[02:34.60]old house.他和他的妻子多丽丝住在一个破旧的小房子里。
[02:36.14]One day, a fairy visited them.一天,一个仙女来拜访他们。
[02:39.87]"Fred, I'd like to give you three wishes."
[02:45.66]said the fairy.“弗莱德,我想给你三个愿望。”仙女说。
[02:46.82]Fred and Doris smiled at each other and said,弗莱德和多丽丝相视一笑说,
[02:50.36]"Thank you, but we don't need any wishes."“谢谢你,但我们不需要任何愿望。”
[02:54.58]"I can give you some gold.“我可以给你一些金子,
[02:57.87]Then you won't have to work," said the fairy.然后你不需要工作了。”仙女说。
[03:01.84]"Thank you. “谢谢你。
[03:04.07]We're poor, but we're happy." said Doris.我们虽穷,但我们很快乐。”多丽丝说。
[03:08.62]"I can give you a big, new house," said the fairy.“我可以给你一个大的新房子。”仙女说。
[03:14.29]"Thank you. Our house is small and old,“谢谢你。我们的房子虽然又小又旧,
[03:17.98]but it's warm and nice," answered Fred.但它是既暖和又温馨。”弗莱德回答说。
[03:22.76]"I wish you a happy life," said the fairy.“我希望你们过得幸福快乐。”仙女说。
[03:28.27]Listen and enjoy边听边欣赏
[03:31.25]Life was different in the past.
[03:35.33]Time went slowly, not so fast.
[03:39.22]Children had fun all day long,
[03:42.94]Running and jumping and singing a song.
[03:47.88]Life is easy these days.
[03:52.25]Machines help in many ways.
[03:56.00]Time goes fast but it's OK.
[03:59.93]We still have lots of time to play!
[04:06.09]Learn the sounds学习发音
[04:08.54]o no ago photo go不 以前 照片 去
[04:26.12]o-e those home close hole那些 家 关闭 孔
[04:45.39]ow show bowl grow snow展示 碗 生长 雪
[05:05.03]ou out south loud cloud在外 南 大声的 云
[05:23.49]ow how down now cow怎么 下 现在 牛
[05:42.36]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的单词。
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