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小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级上module 4 unit 10


[00:02.00]Module 4 The natural world模块四 自然界
[00:05.22]Unit 10 Air第十单元 空气
[00:07.95]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:46.83]plant trees植树
[00:50.45]It keeps them high in the sky.这使它们飞在高空中。
[00:53.84]Listen and say听录音,练习说
[00:56.22]It has no colour or shape. 它没有颜色和形状。
[00:59.22]It has no smell or taste. We cannot see it,它没有气味和味道。我们看不见,
[01:04.49]but we can feel it. It is everywhere.摸不着。它无处不在。
[01:08.02]It is important to all people. 它对所有的人来说都很重要。
[01:11.33]It is also important to animals and plants. 它对动植物而言也很重要。
[01:15.97]We all need it to keep us alive.我们都需要它来维持生命。
[01:19.50]Look at the kite and the balloon. 看风筝和气球。
[01:22.50]Look at the plane and the bird. 看飞机和鸟。
[01:25.80]They all need it too. 他们也都需要它。
[01:27.86]It keeps them high in the sky.它使它们能飞在高空中。
[01:31.18]What is it?它是什么?
[01:33.01]Look and learn看图学单词
[01:47.29]Say and act对话表演
[01:49.61]1 What's the matter, Kitty? 凯蒂,怎么了?
[01:52.97]Are you crying?你在哭吗?
[01:54.97]I'm not crying. 我没有哭,
[01:57.02]My eyes hurt. It's the smoke.我的眼睛受伤了,是烟伤的。
[02:00.99]Where is the smoke from?烟来自哪里?
[02:03.60]It's from the cars and buses.它来自小汽车和公共汽车。
[02:07.07]Look at the black smoke from the factory. 看工厂冒出的黑烟,
[02:09.96]It makes the air dirty.它使空气污劣。
[02:12.76]Let's go to the park, Ben. 本,我们去公园吧,
[02:14.91]The air is clean there.那儿的空气干净。
[02:19.02]2 The air is so fresh here. 这儿的空气太清新了。
[02:24.26]Yes. There are a lot of trees in the park. 是的,公园里有许多树,
[02:28.05]Trees keep the air clean.树保持空气洁净。
[02:30.52]We should plant more trees and keep the air clean.我们应该多种树,保持空气的洁净。
[02:34.94]Yes! We should keep our city clean.是的!我们应该保持城市整洁。
[02:38.89]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:41.44]ch→chair China rich each椅子 中国 富有的 每个
[02:56.54]g→giraffe age orange danger长颈鹿 年龄 橘子 危险
[03:12.36]j→job juice jam jump职业 果汁 果酱 跳跃
[03:26.96]sh→share shirt fish brush分享 衬衫 鱼 刷子
[03:42.36]s→usually pleasure television通常 快乐 电视
[03:56.30]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的。
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