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小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)六年级上module 2 unit 5


[00:02.00]Unit 5 Animals in danger第五单元 濒危动物
[00:05.74]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:17.23]South China tiger华南虎
[00:21.89]blue whale蓝鲸
[00:38.44]in danger面临危险
[00:41.74]in the past在过去
[00:45.54]take care of照顾;照料
[00:48.78]go for a walk去散步
[00:53.13]drive away赶走
[00:56.31]In the past, there were many pandas.在过去,有很多大熊猫。
[01:00.19]Listen and say听录音,练习说
[01:02.85]In the past, there were many pandas,在过去,有很多大熊猫,
[01:06.16]but now there are only about
[01:08.05]one thousand six hundred pandas in the wild.但是现在只有约1600只野生大熊猫。
[01:12.54]In the past, there were many South China tigers, 在过去,有很多华南虎,
[01:16.94]but now there are only about thirty in the wild.但是现在只有约三十只野生的。
[01:21.45]In the past, there were many blue whales, 在过去,有很多蓝鲸,
[01:24.92]but now there are only
[01:27.11]about ten thousand in the wild.但是现在只有约10000头野生的蓝鲸。
[01:30.79]These animals are in danger. 这些动物正濒临灭绝。
[01:32.72]Do you want to help them? 你想帮助它们吗?
[01:35.00]What can we do to help them?我们可以做什么来帮助它们?
[01:38.08]Look and learn看图学单词
[01:46.33]Read a story看故事
[01:48.66]Joy and Elsa乔伊和埃尔莎
[01:50.55]1 Joy worked with wild animals. 乔伊的工作是研究野生动物。
[01:54.71]She found Elsa on her way home.她在回家的路上发现了埃尔莎,
[01:58.27]Elsa's mother died, so Joy took care of her.埃尔莎的妈妈死了,因此乔伊来照顾她。
[02:02.97]2 One day, Joy and Elsa went for a walk. 一天,乔伊和埃尔莎出去散步,
[02:08.53]They saw a rhino. 她们看见了一头犀牛,
[02:13.09]Elsa drove away the rhino and saved Joy.埃尔莎赶走了犀牛,救了乔伊。
[02:22.45]3 Joy and Elsa lived together for many months. 乔伊和埃尔莎在一起住了几个月。
[02:29.06]Elsa grew up and learnt a lot. 埃尔莎长大了,并学会了很多东西。
[02:32.43]Then Joy sent her back to the wild.然后乔伊把她送回了自然界。
[02:36.05]4 Three years later, Joy saw Elsa again. 三年后,乔伊再次看见了埃尔莎,
[02:41.23]Elsa had three babies. 埃尔莎生了三个孩子,
[02:44.16]Joy was very happy to see her.乔伊看见她很开心。
[02:47.28]Sing a song唱首歌
[02:50.13]All animals bright and beautiful所有聪明美丽的动物们
[02:57.94]All animals bright and beautiful,
[03:01.26]All animals big and small.
[03:05.12]These animals are in danger.
[03:08.93]We must help them all!
[03:13.00]They eagle in the blue sky,
[03:16.67]The whale under the sea,
[03:20.21]The tiger in the jungle,
[03:24.37]The panda under the tree.
[03:32.48]All animals bright and beautiful,
[03:35.89]All animals big and small.
[03:40.29]These animals are in danger.
[03:43.49]We must help them all!
[03:52.35]All animals bright and beautiful,
[03:55.60]All animals big and small.
[03:59.65]These animals are in danger.
[04:03.24]We must help them all!
[04:07.33]They eagle in the blue sky,
[04:10.96]The whale under the sea,
[04:14.85]The tiger in the jungle,
[04:18.62]The panda under the tree.
[04:26.81]All animals bright and beautiful,
[04:30.17]All animals big and small.
[04:34.60]These animals are in danger.
[04:37.85]We must help them all!
[04:46.31]Learn the sounds学习发音
[04:48.57]ue, u-e→blue rule蓝色 规则
[05:05.37]oo→too food room tooth也 食物 房间 牙齿
[05:21.86]u→sugar full put pull糖 满的 放 拉
[05:39.69]oo→book look cook foot书 看 厨师 脚
[05:54.36]Listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的。.


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