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小学英语沪教版(12版三起点)五年级上module 4 unit 11


[00:02.00]Unit 11 Water第十一单元 水
[00:04.78]Words and Expressions单词和短语
[00:47.74]grow crops种庄稼
[00:51.72]put out fires灭火
[00:55.69]We use water to wash our hands.我们用水来洗手。
[00:59.99]Listen and say听录音,练习对话
[01:02.49]Where does water come from?水是从哪里来的?
[01:05.85]It comes from the sea.它来自海洋。
[01:08.55]It comes from the rain.它来自雨。
[01:11.64]It comes from the tap too.它也来自水龙头。
[01:14.80]All of you are right.你们说的都对。
[01:17.69]How do we use water?我们如何用水呢?
[01:20.51]We use water to wash our hands. 我们用水来洗手。
[01:23.88]We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too.我们用水来洗蔬菜和衣服。
[01:28.95]Farmers use water to grow crops. 农民用水来种庄稼。
[01:32.18]Firemen use water to put out fires.消防队员用水灭火。
[01:36.24]Very good. Water is very useful.很好。水是非常有用的。
[01:41.51]Look and learn看图学习单词
[01:43.68]put out fires灭火
[01:48.32]grow crops种庄稼
[01:52.00]Read a story故事阅读
[01:54.60]The journey of Little Water Drop小水滴的旅行
[01:58.22]1 Little Water Drop lives in the sea. 小水滴住在海里。
[02:03.08]It is raining.下雨了。
[02:04.62]"I want to be up in the sky." “我想到天上去。”
[02:07.45]says Little Water Drop.小水滴说:
[02:09.74]2 The sun shines and Little Water Drop gets hot.阳光照耀,小水滴变得很热。
[02:14.71]He goes up to the sky.他到了天上。
[02:17.15]It is cool there. 那里很凉爽。
[02:18.90]Now he is in a cloud.现在他在一朵云里。
[02:20.98]"Hooray! I'm up in the sky," “万岁!我在天上了。”
[02:23.56]he says happily.他高兴地说。
[02:25.56]3  Little Water Drop flies over rivers and mountains.小水滴飞过河畔和山脉。
[02:31.04]One day, he sees some trees.有一天,他看到一些树。
[02:34.59]"We're thirsty. We need water," say the trees.这些树说:“我们口渴了。我们需要水。”
[02:39.88]4 Little Water Drop falls down to the ground.小水滴降到地面上。
[02:44.81]A tree drinks him. 一棵树喝了它。
[02:47.00]Now Little Water Drop is inside the tree.现在小水滴在这棵树里面。
[02:51.32]Learn the sounds学习发音
[02:53.76]th this that这个 那个
[03:03.34]The children are playing in the park.
[03:05.96]They like this swing. They like that slide.
[03:08.31]They can swing very high. They can slide very fast.
[03:15.66]The children are playing in the park.
[03:17.96]They like this swing. They like that slide.
[03:20.28]They can swing very high. They can slide very fast.


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