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小学英语沪教版牛津三年级下module 3 unit 1


[00:01.00]Module 3 Things around us
[00:11.18]1 Shapes形状
[00:14.09]Look and say看一看,说一说
[00:16.11]I have...我有...
[00:18.05]1.I have some shapes.
[00:21.30]Can you make a house?
[00:24.19]2.I have a big rectangle.
[00:28.58]I have a big triangle.
[00:30.77]I have some small rectangles.
[00:33.36]I have two small squares.
[00:36.19]I have a star.
[00:39.86]3.Look!It's a beautiful house!
[00:45.00]Look and learn看一看,学一学
[00:47.37]circle圆圈 square正方形 triangle三角形
[00:56.25]star五角星 rectangle长方形
[01:09.81]Ask and answer问一问,答一答
[01:12.95]Count the shapes.数一数形状.
[01:15.44]Then ask answer in pairs.
[01:20.41]Look at the picture.看这幅图画.
[01:22.56]How many stars?有多少个五角星?
[01:24.38]Eight stars.八个.
[01:34.22]Say and act说一说,演一演
[01:36.13]After school放学后
[01:38.23]1.Mum,we're home.妈妈,我们到家了.
[01:41.98]How are you today?今天怎样?
[01:43.94]Very well.很好.
[01:46.33]2.Are you hungry?你们饿了吗?
[01:51.36]I have some cakes for you.
[01:55.20]3.Here you are.给你.
[01:57.43]Thank you,Mum.谢谢,妈妈.
[02:00.66]4.Look at my cake.看我的蛋糕.
[02:02.99]What shape is it?它是什么形状的?
[02:05.06]It's triangle.三角形.
[02:06.99]What shape is your cake,Kitty?
[02:09.30]It's a circle.圆.
[02:19.83]Listen and enjoy听一听,并欣赏
[02:23.08]A circle's like a ball.
[02:29.18]Heigh-oh,the derry-o,
[02:32.19]A circle's like a ball!
[02:35.58]A square is like a box.
[02:41.29]Heigh-ho,the derry-o,
[02:43.97]A square is like a box!
[02:47.06]A triangle has three sides....
[02:53.68]Heigh-ho,the derry-o,
[02:57.09]A triangle has three sides....
[03:00.66]A rectangle has four sides...
[03:06.60]Heigh-ho,the derry-o,
[03:10.11]A rectangle has four sides...
[03:13.75]A circle's like a ball.
[03:18.17]Heigh-oh,the derry-o,
[03:21.06]A circle's like a ball!
[03:23.66]A square is like a box.
[03:28.01]Heigh-ho,the derry-o,
[03:30.73]A square is like a box!
[03:33.61]A triangle has three sides....
[03:38.68]Heigh-ho,the derry-o,
[03:42.89]A triangle has three sides....
[03:45.77]A rectangle has four sides...
[03:50.24]Heigh-ho,the derry-o,
[03:53.55]A rectangle has four sides...
[03:57.23]Learn the sound学一学,说一说
[03:59.39]-ff  turn off关掉 take off脱下
[04:12.16]Turn off the fan.关掉风扇.
[04:13.87]We are cold.我很冷.
[04:15.91]Turn off the light.关掉灯.
[04:17.82]It is bright.这亮着.
[04:19.89]Take off the coat.脱下外套.
[04:22.09]It is so hot.很热.
[04:24.03]Turn off the fan.关掉风扇.
[04:26.33]We are cold.我很冷.
[04:28.21]Turn off the light.关掉灯.
[04:30.19]It is bright.这亮着.
[04:32.04]Take off the coat.It is so hot.

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