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小学英语沪教版牛津三年级下module 2 unit 2



[00:01.00]2 Toys玩具
[00:19.44]Look and say看一看,说一说
[00:21.82]What do you like?你喜欢什么?
[00:24.14]I like....我喜欢....
[00:26.62]1.What do you like?我喜欢什么?
[00:29.72]I like skateboards.我喜欢滑板.
[00:32.27]I don't like skateboards.我不喜欢滑板.
[00:34.38]I like dolls.我喜欢洋娃娃.
[00:37.18]2.I like this skateboard.我喜欢这个滑板.
[00:40.26]It's nice.它很好.
[00:42.43]I like this doll.我喜欢这个洋娃娃.
[00:44.41]It's lovely.它很可爱.
[00:46.37]Look and learn看一看,学一学
[00:48.33]toy train玩具火车 doll洋娃娃 skateboard滑板
[01:07.82]Play a game玩游戏
[01:10.31]Make a robot and then play with your friend.
[01:15.50]boxes盒子 foil金属片 glue胶水 buttons纽扣
[01:23.71]1.Stick the foil.把金属片粘贴起来.
[01:28.28]2.Stick the boxes.把盒子叠起来.
[01:31.97]3.Stick the buttons.粘上纽扣.
[01:35.97]4.Hello.My name's Ben.你好.我叫本.
[01:40.23]Hi,Ben.I'm Ron the robot.
[01:51.97]Say and act说一说,演一演
[01:54.33]The dog and the cat狗和猫
[01:57.24]1.Let's play together!
[02:00.55]OK.What do you like?
[02:03.97]2.I like skateboards.
[02:07.15]Look!I can ride it very well.
[02:10.04]It's fun.它很有趣.
[02:12.22]I don't like skateboards.我不喜欢滑板.
[02:14.36]I like robots.我喜欢机器人.
[02:16.27]Look at my robot.看我的机器人.
[02:18.30]It can walk.It's super!它会走路.它超极好的!
[02:24.15]4.I'm sorry.Are you OK?对不起.你还好吗?
[02:28.72]That's all right.没关系.
[02:30.74]I don't like robots!我不喜欢机器人!
[02:40.64]Do a survey做调查
[02:43.20]What toys do your frends like?
[02:46.67]I like robots.我喜欢机器人.
[02:48.21]Do you like robots,Ben?
[02:50.62]No,I don't like robots.
[02:53.42]I like bicycles.我喜欢自行车.
[02:55.44]What do you like,Alice?
[02:57.38]I like dolls.我喜欢洋娃娃.
[02:59.75]Learn the sound学一学,说一说
[03:02.58]-ll  small小的 tall高的 wall围墙
[03:22.96]A small ball and a tall wall.
[03:27.83]The small ball is on the wall.
[03:32.00]A small girl and a tall boy.
[03:35.67]They are standing behind the wall.
[03:40.23]A small ball and a tall wall.
[03:44.84]The small ball is on the wall.
[03:48.69]A small girl and a tall boy.
[03:52.11]They are standing behind the wall.

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