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小学英语沪教版牛津三年级上module 4 unit 3


[00:01.88]Module 4 The natural world自然界
[00:06.90]Unit 3 Plants 植物
[00:09.83]Look and learn看一看,学一学
[00:12.52]branch树枝      leaves树叶
[00:15.15]trunk树干       roots树根
[00:17.87]Look and say看一看,说一说
[00:19.75]It has...它有...
[00:21.72]A plant一株植物
[00:23.69]a flower一朵花  a leaf一片叶子  leaves叶子
[00:30.58]This is a plant.这是一株植物.
[00:32.60]It has roots.这有根.
[00:34.57]They are thin and short.根又细又短.
[00:37.38]It has leaves.它有叶子.
[00:39.34]They are green.是绿色的.
[00:41.07]They are small.叶子很小.
[00:43.08]It has a flower.它有花朵.
[00:45.00]It is pink.是粉色的.
[00:46.88]It is beautiful.花朵很漂亮.
[00:49.27]Ask and answer问一问,答一答
[00:51.73]Look at the plant.看这株植物.
[00:53.58]It has leaves.它有叶子.
[00:55.59]Yes. They are green and small.
[00:58.25]It has a flower too.它还有花朵.
[01:00.37]Yes. It's red.是的,是红色的.
[01:02.68]Look at the plant. It has...看这株植物.它有...
[01:05.67]Yes. It's/They are ...是的, 它是/它们是...
[01:09.27]Draw and write画一画,写一写
[01:11.04]Read a story读一读小故事
[01:14.78]We are seeds.我们是种子.
[01:16.76]We are small and brown.我们小小的,是棕色的.
[01:19.81]It is rainy.下雨了.We are happy.我们很开心.
[01:24.38]It is sunny.天睛了.We feel warm.我们很暖和.
[01:28.47]Look! Now we have roots.看!现在我们有根了.
[01:31.12]We have buds too.我们也发芽了.
[01:34.19]We grow and grow.我们长啊长啊.
[01:36.02]Now we have leaves and flowers.
[01:39.31]We are sunflowers.我们是向日葵.
[01:42.11]Read and tick读一读,勾一勾
[01:44.05]Listen and enjoy听一听,玩一玩
[01:46.49]How many green birds can you see?
[01:49.34]One, two, three.一、二、三.
[01:51.81]One bird is on the tree.一只小鸟在树上.
[01:54.55]One bird is in the tree.一只小鸟在树里.
[01:57.11]One bird is under the tree.一只小鸟在树下.
[01:59.99]How many green birds can you see?
[02:03.01]Count again and tell me,please?
[02:06.84]How many green birds can you see?
[02:08.98]One, two, three.一、二、三.
[02:11.47]One bird is on the tree.一只小鸟在树上.
[02:13.81]One bird is in the tree.一只小鸟在树里.
[02:16.68]One bird is under the tree.一只小鸟在树下.
[02:19.59]How many green birds can you see?
[02:22.25]Count again and tell me,please?
[02:26.08]Learn the sounds学音标
[02:28.23]table桌子 rabbit兔子 cat猫 cake蛋糕
[02:33.36]hen母鸡 me我    she她 yellow黄色的
[02:38.62]like喜欢 kite风筝 thin瘦的 chick小鸡
[02:43.34]run跑 pupil小学生 tune 曲调 sun太阳
[02:48.01]box盒子 orange橘子 go去 open打开
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