首页 教育资源 小学英语 沪教版牛津英语 三年级上

小学英语沪教版牛津三年级上module 4 unit 2


[00:01.19]Module 4 The natural world自然界
[00:05.55]Unit 2 On the farm在农场
[00:09.48]Look and say看一看,说一说
[00:11.19]What are they?它们是什么?They're ...它们是...
[00:13.77]How many...?多少....?
[00:15.71]Look! What are they?看!它们是什么?
[00:17.45]They're pigs.它们是猪.How many pigs?有多少只猪?
[00:20.37]Six pigs.六只.
[00:22.79]Look and learn看一看,学一学
[00:24.79]chick小鸡 hen母鸡 duck鸭子  pig猪 dog狗 cat猫
[00:33.12]Ask and answer 问一问,答一答
[00:35.44]Count the hens.数数母鸡.
[00:36.91]How many hens?有多少只母鸡?
[00:42.41]Five hens.五只.
[00:44.37]What are they?它们是什么?They're ...它们是...
[00:47.44]Count the ...数数... How many ...?有多少...?
[00:51.00]Say and act说一说,演一演
[00:52.86]Kitty's dream 基蒂的梦
[00:55.48]One, two. Put on my shoe.一、二.穿上鞋.
[00:59.18]Three, four. Open the door.三、四.打开门.
[01:03.51]Five, six. Count the chicks.五、六.数鸭子.
[01:07.39]Seven, eight. Open the gate.七、八.打开笼.
[01:11.12]Nine, ten. And that's the end.九、十.结束了.
[01:14.78]Play a game做游戏.
[01:16.64]Play a guessing game with your friend.
[01:22.38]What are they?它们是什么?
[01:24.15]They are chicks.它们是小鸡.
[01:26.76]Learn the sounds学音标
[01:29.05]face脸  pupil小学生  sister姐姐
[01:33.40]nose鼻子 red红色  fat胖的 run跑
[01:38.90]me我  hot热的   five五
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