首页 教育资源 小学英语 沪教版牛津英语 三年级上

小学英语沪教版牛津三年级上module 1 unit 3


[00:02.01]Module 1 Getting to know you开始认识你
[00:06.91]Unit 3 How old are you?你几岁了?
[00:11.33]Look and say看一看,说一说
[00:13.95]How old are you?你几岁了?I'm ...我...
[00:17.80]It's your birthday today.今天是你的生日.
[00:19.65]Happy Birthday!生日快乐!Thank you.谢谢.
[00:22.40]How old are you, Alice?你几岁了,爱丽丝?
[00:24.21]I'm eight.我八岁了.
[00:26.48]Look and learn看一看,学一学
[00:29.10]one一  two二    three三 four四  five五 six六
[00:37.95]seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十
[00:43.97]Ask and answer问一问,答一答
[00:46.44]Peter彼得 Kitty基蒂 Ben本 Tom汤姆
[00:50.57]How old are you, ...?你几岁了...?I'm ...我...
[00:53.75]Play a game做游戏
[00:55.34]In groups,do a role-play.小组分角色扮演.
[00:58.06]Hello!你好!I'm Mr Cat.我是猫先生.
[01:00.83]What's your name?你叫什么名字?
[01:02.03]Hello!你好!I'm Miss Bird.我是鸟小姐.
[01:05.08]How old are you,Miss Bird?你几岁了,鸟小姐?
[01:07.14]Guess!猜猜看!Are you eight?你八岁吗?Eight?八岁?
[01:10.74]No! I'm only one!不! 我只有一岁!
[01:14.42]Say and act说一说,演一演
[01:16.58]A birthday party生日聚会
[01:19.20]Here's your cake,Alice.这是你的蛋糕,爱丽丝.
[01:21.25]Thanks, Mum.谢谢,妈妈.
[01:23.67]Happy Birthday to you.祝你生日快乐.
[01:30.55]Happy Birthday to Alice.祝爱丽丝生日快乐.
[01:34.32]Happy Birthday to you.祝你生日快乐.
[01:38.12]Blow, Alice.吹蜡烛,爱丽丝.
[01:40.51]Cut the cake, Alice.切蛋糕,爱丽丝.
[01:43.73]Here you are, Kitty.给你,基蒂.
[01:46.09]Thank you.谢谢.
[01:47.60]The cake is yummy.蛋糕真好吃.
[01:51.04]Listen and enjoy听一听,玩一玩
[01:54.66]How old are you?你几岁了?
[01:56.27]I'm three years old.我三岁了.
[01:58.25]How old are you?你几岁了?
[01:59.91]I'm three!我三岁!
[02:02.07]Can you count to three?你能数到三吗?
[02:04.25]Can you draw a tree?你能画棵树吗?
[02:05.97]Yes, I can.是的,我可以.
[02:07.82]I can count to three.我能数到三.
[02:10.30]I can draw a tree.我会画一棵树.
[02:12.50]But I can't write or read.但是我不会写,不会读.
[02:16.31]How old are you?你几岁了?
[02:18.19]I'm three years old.我三岁了.
[02:20.35]How old are you?你几岁了?
[02:22.16]I'm three!我三岁!
[02:23.64]Can you count to three?你能数到三吗?
[02:25.45]Can you draw a tree?你能画棵树吗?
[02:27.32]Yes, I can.是的,我可以.
[02:29.56]I can count to three.我能数到三.
[02:31.70]I can draw a tree.我会画一棵树.
[02:33.74]But I can't write or read.但是我不会写,不会读.
[02:37.61]Learn the sound学音标
[02:40.02]e he 他 she她
[02:45.37]He is Peter.他是彼得.She is Eva.她是伊娃.
[02:49.45]Peter is Chinese.彼得是中国人.
[02:51.69]Eva is Japanese.伊娃是日本人.
[02:54.30]Peter and Eva study with me.
[02:58.52]He is Peter.他是彼得.She is Eva.她是伊娃.
[03:01.79]Peter is Chinese.彼得是中国人.
[03:04.07]Eva is Japanese.伊娃是日本人.
[03:06.18]Peter and Eva study with me.
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