首页 教育资源 小学英语 沪教版牛津英语 三年级上

小学英语沪教版牛津三年级上module 1 unit 1


[00:02.12]Module 1 Getting to know you开始认识你
[00:08.60]Unit 1 How are you?你好吗?
[00:11.89]Listen and enjoy 听一听,玩一玩
[00:14.10]Hello 你好
[00:23.35]I'm Dolly.我是多莉.Hello, hello.你好,你好.
[00:33.59]Hello,hello, hello.你好,你好,你好.
[00:37.40]I'm Peter.我是彼得.Hello, hello.你好,你好.
[00:47.42]Hello,hello, hello.你好,你好,你好.
[00:51.33]I'm Alice.我是爱丽丝.Hello, hello.你好,你好.
[01:01.21]Hello,hello, hello.你好,你好,你好.
[01:05.34]I'm Danny.我是丹尼.Hello, hello.你好,你好.
[01:15.03]Hello,hello, hello.你好,你好,你好.
[01:18.98]I'm Kitty.我是基蒂.Hello, hello.你好,你好.
[01:28.91]Hello,hello, hello.你好,你好,你好.
[01:34.72]Look and say看一看,说一说
[01:37.06]How are you?你好吗?
[01:38.86]Fine,thanks./I'm fine too.很好,谢谢./我也很好.
[01:45.27]Good morning!早上好!
[01:49.62]Hi,Tom and Alice!嗨,汤姆和爱丽丝!
[01:52.26]Hi!嗨!How are you?你好吗?
[01:55.19]Fine, thanks.很好,谢谢.
[01:56.87]I'm fine too.我也很好.
[01:59.84]Hello, Miss Fang!你好,方老师!
[02:02.13]Hello, boys and girls.你们好,孩子们!
[02:04.26]This is Mr Zhang.这是张老师!
[02:07.08]Hello, Mr Zhang!你好,张老师!
[02:11.28]Good afternoon!下午好!
[02:13.18]Good afternoon, Mr Zhang.下午好,张老师.
[02:15.90]How are you?你好吗?
[02:17.66]Fine, thank you.很好,谢谢.
[02:21.32]Look and learn
[02:24.16]Miss Fang方老师
[02:26.12]Mr Zhang张老师
[02:28.26]Mrs Wang 王太太
[02:30.99]Say and act 说一说,演一演
[02:33.05]After school放学后
[02:37.65]Good afternoon, Mrs Wang.下午好,王太太.
[02:40.18]Good afternoon.下午好.
[02:42.71]How are you today?今天怎么样?
[02:46.26]We have a new teacher, Mr Zhang.
[02:49.44]Good evening, Dad.晚上好,爸爸.
[02:51.17]Hi, Dad.嗨,爸爸.Good evening.晚上好.
[02:53.66]How are you?你好吗?
[02:54.96]Very well,thank you.很好,谢谢.
[02:57.56]Good night,Mum and Dad.晚安,爸爸妈妈.
[03:00.20]Good night.晚安.
[03:03.08]Play a game做游戏
[03:05.35]Make some puppets and play with your friends.
[03:10.20]Draw and colour.画好涂上颜色.
[03:12.84]Cut.剪下来. Stick.粘上.
[03:16.67]Hi, I'm Mr Dog.嗨,我是狗先生.
[03:19.30]Hi, I'm ...嗨,我是...
[03:21.62]How are you?你好吗?
[03:23.20]I'm fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢.
[03:26.01]Learn the sound学音标
[03:29.13]a cake蛋糕 table桌子
[03:34.81]Jane likes cakes.简喜欢蛋糕.
[03:38.22]Jane makes cakes.简做蛋糕.
[03:41.33]The cakes are on the plates.蛋糕在盘子里.
[03:44.35]The plates are on the table.盘子在桌子上.
[03:48.40]Jane likes cakes.简喜欢蛋糕.
[03:50.93]Jane makes cakes.简做蛋糕.
[03:53.23]The cakes are on the plates.蛋糕在盘子里.
[03:56.09]The plates are on the table.盘子在桌子上.
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