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小学英语沪教版牛津二年级上module 3 unit 2


[00:01.09]Module 3 模块2
[00:02.61]Places and activities 地点和活动
[00:05.51]Unit 2 In my room 在我的房间里
[00:09.22]Look and learn
[00:11.48]bag书包 box盒子 desk书桌 chair椅子
[00:17.36]Look and say
[00:23.89]Put the book in the bag,Eddie.埃迪把书放在书包里
[00:31.32]Put the bag in the box,please.请把书包放在盒子里
[00:36.09]Put the box on the chair,please.
[00:45.32]Put the box on the desk.把盒子放在书桌上.
[00:47.43]All right.好的.
[00:49.64]Say and act
[00:51.37]Kitty's desk 凯蒂的桌子
[00:53.51]Look at your desk,Kitty.凯蒂,看看你的书桌.
[00:58.40]Put the books in the bag,please.请把书放在书包里
[01:05.04]Put the pencils in the pencil case,please.
[01:09.94]All right.好的.
[01:12.16]Play a game
[01:13.97]Oh,Ben.Look at your room.噢,本.看看你的房间.
[01:17.97]I'm sorry,Mum.妈妈,对不起.
[01:20.27]Put the books in the bag,please.把书放在书包里
[01:24.28]Put the car on the desk,please把小汽车放在书桌上
[01:27.73]Put the bear in the box,please.把熊放在盒子里.
[01:33.46]Listen and enjoy
[01:35.72]I love my room.我喜欢我的房间.
[01:37.50]Like Kitty and Ben.就像凯蒂和本一样.
[01:39.77]I use the box Every day!我每天都用这个盒子!
[01:43.59]I love my room.我喜欢我的房间.
[01:45.02]Like Kitty and Ben.就像凯蒂和本一样.
[01:48.49]I keep it clean Every day!我每天都保持房间整洁!
[01:51.50]Learn the letters
[01:53.44]orange橘子  pig猪
[02:01.07]Paula has an orange.保拉有一个橘子.
[02:03.80]It's on a plate.放在盘子里.
[02:06.18]It's for her pig.这个橘子是给她的猪吃的.
[02:08.45]Her pig is fat and big 她的猪又肥又大.
[02:11.20]With four short legs.长着四条短腿.
[02:16.35]Come and eat the orange.过来吃橘子吧.
[02:18.95]It's on the plate.在盘子里.
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