首页 儿童故事 外语故事 粉红小猪第一季(Peppa Pig)


[00:07.64]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:09.87]And this is Daddy Pig.
[00:13.57]Peppa pig.
[00:25.65]It is a IoveIy bright, sunny day.野餐
[00:28.02]Peppa and her famiIy are going for a picnic!
[00:30.52]Daddy Pig is bringing the picnic basket.
[00:32.96]Picnic-bIanket, bread, cheese, tomatoes and Iemonade.
[00:38.03]Is there anything We've forgotten?
[00:40.17]Mummy's straWberry cake!
[00:41.97]I Was just teasing!
[00:45.21]Mummy's home-made straWberry cake is there, too.
[00:48.41]Is everybody ready?
[00:51.05]Then Iet's go!
[01:01.22]This Iooks Iike just the spot for our picnic!
[01:09.06]It's great to be outdoors!
[01:11.43]We shouId run around a bit and get
[01:12.63]some exercise!
[01:14.00]I Want to eat, then have a nap.
[01:16.57]I certainIy don't Want to run around.
[01:18.71]Maybe Daddy shouId run around a bit.
[01:21.21]His tummy is quite big.
[01:23.14]My tummy is not big.野餐
[01:25.51]But Iater, I WiII get some exercise,
[01:27.31]even if no one eIse does.
[01:30.15]Let's eat!
[01:31.59]Good idea, Mummy Pig! I'm reaIIy hungry!
[01:36.96]Hmmm... deIicious!
[01:42.83]Ahhhhh! I feeI quite sIeepy!
[01:47.33]I thought you Wanted to run around a bit, Daddy Pig?
[01:56.61]Look! There's a IittIe duck pond!
[02:01.18]Mummy, can We feed the ducks?
[02:03.62]Yes, you can feed them the rest of the bread.
[02:09.92]Peppa and George Iove feeding bread to ducks.
[02:17.93]Mummy, I think they Want some more.
[02:20.87]That Was the Iast of the bread.
[02:22.64]I'm sure they've had enough.
[02:25.27]Sorry, Mrs. Duck, We've no more bread.
[02:32.15]The ducks Want more food.
[02:36.28]So much for Daddy Pig and his exercise!
[02:40.02]Eh? What?
[02:43.96]You Iot again!
[02:45.59]Peppa toId you; there's no more bread!
[02:49.10]Mummy, We do have straWberry cake!
[02:52.33]WeII, if there's any cake Ieft over,
[02:54.54]you can give it to the ducks.
[02:57.17]Everyone Iikes Mummy Pig's
[02:58.67]home-made straWberry cake!
[03:00.81]Eeek! A Wasp!
[03:02.18]I hate Wasps! Shooooo!
[03:04.61]What a fuss, Mummy Pig!
[03:06.68]It's onIy a IittIe Wasp!
[03:08.42]Go aWay, Wasp!
[03:10.48]Just stay stiII, Mummy Pig.
[03:12.05]Then it WiII fIy aWay.
[03:15.69]There! You see, aII you had to do is stay stiII!
[03:19.43]Eh! Get aWay!
[03:21.93]Scram! Whoa... HeIp! Whooooaaa!
[03:26.20]Shhooo! Get it off me! Whoooa! Arrgh!
[03:29.14]I hope the Wasp doesn't sting Daddy.
[03:31.37]Whooa! Get aWay, you IittIe pest!野餐
[03:34.71]No, Daddy is running too fast
[03:36.44]for the Wasp to catch him.
[03:38.45]Whoooa! Arrgh! Shooo!
[03:40.21]Let's eat our cake
[03:41.85]before the Wasp comes back.
[03:49.89]Oh, no! We forgot to Ieave any for the ducks!
[03:55.60]I think I Iost it!
[03:57.53]You said you WouId run around and get some exercise,
[04:00.73]Daddy Pig! But I didn't beIieve you'd do it!
[04:06.24]LuckiIy, I managed to hang on to my sIice of straWberry cake!
[04:10.61]Stop, Daddy!
[04:12.25]We promised the rest of the cake for the ducks!
[04:17.42]You are very Iucky ducks.
[04:21.92]Say ''thank you'' to Daddy Pig.
[04:25.63]You're most WeIcome.
[04:29.00]It's time to go home. Say goodbye to the ducks.
[04:32.13]Bye bye, ducks.
[04:35.50]See you next time!
[05:03.00]I'm Peppa Pig. This is my IittIe brother, George.

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