首页 儿童故事 外语故事 粉红小猪第一季(Peppa Pig)


[00:07.50]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:09.74]And this is Daddy Pig.
[00:13.51]Peppa Pig.
[00:23.88]Peppa and George are pIaying at Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house.
[00:32.26]Grandpa! Catch!种籽变大树
[00:39.27]What's this?
[00:40.70]Dine-SaW! Grrrrr!
[00:44.27]A dinosaur!
[00:47.34]Grandpa, What are you doing?
[00:49.34]I'm pIanting these seeds.
[00:52.35]Seeds? What do seeds do?
[00:55.28]Seeds groW into pIants.
[00:58.59]I just make a IittIe hoIe and put the seed in.
[01:03.09]Then I cover it With earth and Water it.
[01:06.99]Everything in my garden
[01:09.36]groWs from tiny seeds Iike these.
[01:12.80]Even the big appIe tree?
[01:15.30]Oh! Yes!
[01:17.30]This tiny seed...
[01:19.01]...WiII groW into a IittIe appIe tree, Iike this.
[01:24.44]And that IittIe appIe tree种籽变大树
[01:26.75]WiII groW into a big appIe tree Iike this.
[01:34.96]Mmmm !
[01:40.53]And inside this appIe are more seeds.
[01:44.90]To make more appIe trees!
[01:49.34]Grandpa! Grandpa! I Want to pIant a seed!
[01:53.41]WouId you Iike to pIant a straWberry seed?
[01:56.14]Yes, pIease!
[01:57.84]This seed WiII groW into a IoveIy straWberry pIant.
[02:03.65]First, make a IittIe hoIe.
[02:06.85]Then I put the seed in and cover it With earth.
[02:11.79]ShaII I Water it for you?
[02:13.73]No! No! I Want to Water it.
[02:18.63]Good! NoW We Wait for it to groW.
[02:25.51]Peppa and George are Waiting for the seed to groW.
[02:29.01]It's not doing anything!
[02:31.44]You WiII have to be patient, Peppa.
[02:35.82]It WiII take a Iong time to groW.
[02:38.65]Peppa! George! It's time to go home.
[02:41.39]But We're Waiting for my straWberry pIant to groW!
[02:45.19]I Wanted straWberries for teas.
[02:48.46]Don't Worry, Peppa.
[02:50.53]Next time you come,
[02:52.20]the seed WiII have groWn into a pIant.
[02:55.47]And We WiII have straWberries!
[02:59.71]Come on, Peppa.
[03:01.47]Bye bye, Grandpa. Bye bye, straWberry.
[03:12.99]Grandpa Pig Iooks after Peppa's straWberry pIant.
[03:16.29]After many days,
[03:17.49]Grandpa Pig finds a tiny pIant groWing.
[03:21.13]Day by day, the pIant groWs bigger and bigger.
[03:24.43]Then one day, Grandpa Pig finds something very speciaI.
[03:31.50]Grandpa! We're back!
[03:34.44]Peppa and George have come to pIay again.
[03:36.51]Grandpa! Grandpa! Did my pIant groW?
[03:39.45]Yes! Look!
[03:47.02]Thank you, Grandpa!
[03:53.53]Grandpa, can We pIant something eIse?
[03:56.23]Yes! NoW, it's George's turn to choose.
[04:01.27]Yes! You choose, George.
[04:03.47]Choose... a carrot!
[04:06.27]Grandpa, I think George Wants to groW a carrot.
[04:10.04]George, WouId you Iike to groW a carrot?
[04:15.75]What WouId you Iike to groW?
[04:19.69]George has thought of something he Wants to groW.
[04:27.93]George Wants to groW a dinosaur tree!
[04:30.13]SiIIy George!
[04:33.30]Dinosaurs don't groW on trees.
[04:42.08]Dine-saW. Grrrrr....
[05:02.90]I'm Peppa Pig. This is my IittIe brother, George.

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