首页 儿童故事 外语故事 粉红小猪第一季(Peppa Pig)

上学去(The PIaygroup)

[00:07.67]This is Mummy Pig.
[00:10.04]And this is Daddy Pig.
[00:13.54]Peppa pig.
[00:19.48]The PIaygroup
[00:27.05]Peppa and George are going to the pIaygroup.
[00:28.89]It is George's first day.
[00:31.12]George, are you Iooking forward
[00:33.26]to the pIaygroup?
[00:35.40]Daddy, maybe George is too smaII
[00:38.70]to go to my pIaygroup?
[00:41.20]He'II be fine, Peppa.
[00:43.27]There'II be you and Mr. Dinosaur there to keep him company.
[00:48.14]Grrr! Dine-SaW!
[00:50.51]But I Want to pIay With the big chiIdren!
[00:53.48]Not George and his toy dinosaur.
[00:56.78]Oh dear, Peppa doesn't Want
[00:58.49]George to go to her pIaygroup.
[01:06.23]We're here!
[01:08.86]Daddy, are you sure George is big enough?
[01:12.30]He'II be fine.
[01:16.54]AIright, he can come.
[01:20.51]Bye bye.
[01:31.45]Madame GazeIIe Iooks after the chiIdren at the pIaygroup.
[01:35.19]HeIIo! This is my IittIe brother, George.
[01:41.33]HeIIo, George.
[01:49.97]Baa! I Wish I had a IittIe brother Iike George.
[01:54.41]HeIIo! I'm Danny Dog.
[01:56.34]Woof Woof! Is that a dinosaur?
[01:59.58]It's just a toy dinosaur.
[02:02.92]Grrr! Dine-SaW!
[02:04.72]BriIIiant! Woof Woof!
[02:07.65]Dine-SaW! Grrr!
[02:12.99]Dine-SaW! Grrr!
[02:15.30]Aaaah, reaIIy scary.
[02:20.37]That's briIIiant!
[02:22.50]George is my brother. He's briIIiant.
[02:27.94]Peppa is proud of her IittIe brother, George.
[02:34.25]ShaII We shoW George hoW We paint pictures?
[02:37.75]George is not very good at painting.
[02:40.59]WeII, maybe you couId heIp him?
[02:43.26]Yes, I'm very good!
[02:45.89]I WiII shoW him hoW to paint a fIoWer.
[02:49.10]George, today I'm going to
[02:52.40]teach you hoW to paint a fIoWer.
[02:56.47]First, you paint a big circIe.
[03:02.41]No, George, that's the Wrong coIor.
[03:06.71]NoW you paint the fIoWer's petaIs.
[03:11.99]George! That's the Wrong shape!
[03:16.42]NoW you paint the staIk and the Ieaves.
[03:26.43]George, you've done it aII Wrong!
[03:31.14]NoW What do We have here?
[03:33.51]I've painted a fIoWer.
[03:35.94]That's very good, Peppa.
[03:38.65]And George has painted a dinosaur.
[03:43.15]Grrr... Dine-SaW!
[03:47.15]Woof! BriIIiant!
[03:51.02]I think George and Peppa's pictures shouId go on the WaII.
[03:59.60]Peppa, You must be very proud of
[04:01.40]your IittIe brother.
[04:03.70]Yes, I am.
[04:08.61]It is home time and
[04:10.04]the chiIdren's parents are here to pick them up.
[04:12.98]Can George come next time?
[04:15.42]Yes, and he can paint us another IoveIy picture.
[04:19.62]And What WiII you paint next time, George?
[04:22.69]Dine-SaW! Grrr!
[04:25.43]Another dinosaur picture?
[04:28.50]WeII, maybe you can shoW us aII
[04:30.00]hoW to paint a dinosaur?
[04:32.73]Woof! BriIIiant!
[04:34.94]Yes! BriIIiant!

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