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小学英语人教(12版三起点)五年级下册Unit 2 a

[00:11.10]Let's start 开始吧
[00:13.40]Find out the weather,ask and answer.
[00:19.73]Season季节  Weather天气  City城市
[00:25.38]Beijing北京  Lhasa拉萨  Shenzhen深圳
[00:31.50]Kunming昆明  Harbin哈尔滨
[00:35.30]My city 我所在的城市
[00:37.96]spring春季       windy有风的
[00:41.35]summer夏季       hot炎热的
[00:44.98]fall秋季         sunny and cool 晴朗凉爽
[00:49.04]winter冬季       cold寒冷
[00:52.38]What's your favourite season?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[00:57.80]Winter.Because it's ... 冬季.因为它....
[01:04.27]Let's chant 唱一唱 ……
[01:40.29]Come on!来吧!
[01:42.34]It's spring time already.已经是春季了.
[01:45.83]I'm sleepy.我很困.
[01:48.06]I don't like spring.我不喜欢春季.
[01:51.14]I like winter.我喜欢冬季.
[01:53.89]Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[01:59.31]Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春季?
[02:02.73]Because I can plant trees.因为我可以植树.
[02:07.99]A Let's learn 学一学
[02:12.27]What's your favourite season,Chen Jie?
[02:19.14]spring春天 summer夏天 fall秋天 winter冬天
[02:28.68]Let's find out 找出答案
[02:31.11]Draw a tree and talk about the seasons.
[02:36.59]What's the weather like in spring?春季天气怎么样
[02:40.45]It's ... 它 .....
[02:42.28]spring春季  summer夏季  fall秋季  winter冬季
[02:49.74]Let's try  试一试
[02:52.26]Listen and match
[02:56.08]Which season do you like best,Mike?
[03:01.67]It's sunny and cool.秋天阳光明媚,还很凉爽.
[03:03.60]What about you,Amy?
[03:06.65]Spring.It's nice and warm.春天.它很美丽,很温暖.
[03:10.45]Which season do you like best,Chen Jie?
[03:14.62]I like winter.我喜欢冬季.
[03:17.48]Match the people with their favourite seasons.
[03:22.71]Let's talk 说一说
[03:25.44]Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[03:29.33]It's always sunny and cool.天气总是晴朗和凉爽.
[03:32.14]Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[03:35.33]Winter.I can play with snow.冬天.我可以玩雪.
[03:38.90]I don't like winter.我不喜欢冬季.
[03:40.64]It's too cold.天太冷了.
[03:43.64]spring春季       windy and warm 多风暖和
[03:47.28]summer夏季       sunny and hot 晴朗炎热
[03:50.63]fall秋季         windy and cool 多风凉爽
[03:54.11]winter冬季       windy and cold 多风寒冷
[03:58.83]Make a survey 做调查
[04:03.08]Find out your groupmates' favourite seasons.
[04:10.36]Name名字         Wu Yifan 吴一凡
[04:15.59]spring春季  summer夏季  fall秋季  winter冬季
[04:23.77]Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[04:30.92]Read and write
[04:34.73]Which season do you like best,Mike?
[04:38.26]Well,in Canada I like fall best.
[04:43.89]The sky is very blue.天空非常蓝.
[04:46.64]The leaves are colourful.树叶是多彩的.
[04:49.76]Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?
[04:53.37]I like winter best.我最喜欢冬季.
[04:55.32]We go up north.我们去北方.
[04:56.80]We play in the snow.我们在雪地里玩.
[04:59.75]Winter is beautiful,冬天是美丽的,
[05:01.56]but it's too cold for me.但是它对我来说太冷了.
[05:03.92]I like summer best.我最喜欢夏季.
[05:05.94]I like to swim in the sea.我喜欢去海里游泳.
[05:09.23]Summer is good,夏季很好,
[05:10.72]but fall is my favourite season.但秋季是我最喜欢
[05:15.77]Halloween and Thanksgiving!因为有万圣节和感恩节!
[05:19.08]Let's play 做一做
[05:21.50]I wear my sweater.我穿着我的毛衣.
[05:26.69]It's windy.外面有风.
[05:30.26]Which season is it?它是哪个季节?
[05:33.49]It's spring.是春季.
[05:35.81]Yes.That's right.是的.答对了.
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