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小学英语外研社(一起点)一年级下Module 6 Unit 2


[00:05.32]The baby lions are cute.

[00:11.34]Listen and say.
[00:17.44]The baby lions are cute.狮子宝宝很可爱.
[00:20.34]The mother lion isn't cute.但是狮子妈妈不可爱.
[00:25.53]It's scary!它很可怕!
[00:27.56]Yes,it's very scary!是的,非常可怕!
[00:37.67]Listen and say.
[00:39.86]Then chant.
[01:09.87][00:42.79]Lions and tigers at the zoo.在动物园里的狮子和老虎。
[01:12.77][00:46.30]Monkeys and elephants are there too.猴子和大象。
[01:15.76][00:50.01]Big and little,tall and short.大的和小的,高的和矮的。
[01:18.76][00:53.13]Fat and thin,long and short.胖和瘦,长的和短。
[01:22.12][00:56.52]So many animals at the zoo动物园里有这么多的动物
[01:24.76][00:59.93]Let's go now!我们现在就去!
[01:26.17][01:01.32]Let's go to the zoo!我们去动物园!

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