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小学英语外研社(三起点)三年级上册Module 10 Unit 1

[00:06.920]Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head.
[00:19.704][1]Look!This is a panda.  看!这是只熊猫。
[00:22.443][2]This is his head.  这是他的头。
[00:25.120][3]This is his arm.  这是他的手臂。
[00:28.258][4]This is his hand.  这是他的手。
[00:31.583][5]This is his leg.  这是他的腿。
[00:34.515][6]This is his foot.  这是他的脚。
[00:37.849][7]Hello!I'm Panpan.  你好!我叫盼盼。
[00:42.719][8]Panpan,point to your arm and your leg.盼盼,指向你的手臂和腿。
[00:47.716][9]Panpan,point to your hand and your foot.盼盼,指向你的头和脚。

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