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小学英语广州版六年级上册unite 2


[00:00.00] UNIT 2 ASKING THE WAY THE THIRD LESSON [00:06.09]part 1 Words and expressions [00:11.34]third [00:13.22]第三 [00:15.10]tell [00:16.88]告诉 [00:18.65]way [00:20.43]路;道路 [00:22.20]hotel [00:24.12]酒店 [00:26.04]go down... [00:28.42]沿着..走下去 [00:30.80]street [00:32.68]大街 [00:34.56]right [00:36.38]右的,右边 [00:38.19]left [00:40.01]左的,左边 [00:41.82]turn right(left) [00:45.39]向右(左)转 [00:48.95]crossing [00:51.08]十字路口 [00:53.21]or [00:55.25]或,或者 [00:57.29]on the right(left) [01:00.71]在右(左)边 [01:04.13]TEXT [01:07.37]A:Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to Garden Hotel? [01:26.62]B:Yes.Go down this street.Turn right at first crossing. [01:34.17]A:Is the hotel on the right or on the left? [01:38.82]B:It's on the left. [01:42.48]A:Thank you very much. [01:46.03]Say after me,please. [01:49.58]Excuse me. [01:53.95]Can you tell me the way to Garden Hotel? [02:01.99]Yes. [02:06.35]Go down this street. [02:11.71]Turn right at first crossing. [02:18.48]Is the hotel on the right or on the left? [02:26.83]It's on the left. [02:31.38]Thank you very much. [02:36.66]part 2 Words and expressions [02:41.80]park [02:43.98]公园 [02:46.16]could [02:48.14]可以 [02:50.11]Could you...? [02:52.29]你能否..? [02:54.47]TEXT [02:58.02]Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to the People's Park, please? [03:18.69]Yes,Go down this street.Turm left at the second crossing. [03:26.05]The park is on the right. [03:30.21]Go duwn this street, then turn left at the second crossing. [03:35.95]The park is on the left. [03:39.32]No,On the right. [03:43.27]Thank you very much. [03:46.43]Say after me,please. [03:50.06]Excuse me. [03:55.52]Could you tell me the way to the People's Park, please? [04:03.77]Yes, [04:07.75]Go down this street. [04:12.60]Turm left at the second crossing. [04:19.87]The park is on the right. [04:25.43]Go duwn this street, [04:30.18]then turn left at the second crossing. [04:37.73]The park is on the left. [04:43.48]No,On the right. [04:49.96]Thank you very much. [04:55.42]LESSON FOUR THE FOURTH LESSON [04:59.96]Words and expressions [05:03.83]him [05:05.85]他(宾格) [05:07.88]her [05:09.86]她(宾格) [05:11.85]bookshop [05:13.98]书店 [05:16.11]You're welcome [05:18.24]不用谢 [05:20.37]men's room [05:22.80]男厕 [05:25.22]ladies'room [05:27.41]女厕 [05:29.59]zoo [05:31.47]动物公园 [05:33.35]LOOK AND SAY [05:37.61](1)Can you tell me the way to...? [05:44.58](2)Can I take a No... bus to...? [05:51.53]READ AND SAY [05:55.97](1)A:Excuse me.Is there a shop near here [06:04.43]B:Yes,there's one in Hill Street. [06:08.51]A:Thank you very much. [06:12.17]B:You're welcome. [06:14.91](2)1.Could you tell me the way to the Children's Park? [06:23.45]2.Can you tell him the way to the Children's Park? [06:29.62]SOUND FAMILIES [06:33.98](1)Saturday [06:38.03]evening [06:40.88]family [06:44.04]primary [06:47.90]different [06:50.83]Englishman [06:53.75](2)banana [06:57.91]America [07:00.96]policeman [07:04.12](3)afternoon [07:09.37]STRESS AND INTONATION? [07:13.53](1)Excuse me.Is there a hotel near here? [07:19.48]Yes,there is one over there. [07:24.24](2)Can you tell me the way to Yuying Primary School please? [07:30.90]Yes.Go down this street . [07:35.65]The school is on the left. [07:39.91](3)She can tell you the way to the park. [07:45.76](4)Can they take a No.1 bus? No,they can't [07:54.23]TRY TO READ [07:58.46]The Little Bell [08:01.38]Tinkle,tinkle,little bell, [08:05.36]I can hear you very well. [08:09.51]All day long the time you tell, [08:13.87]Tinkle,tinkle,little bell.
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