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小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 2 Unit 2

[00:14.75]Then listen and match each email to its sender.
[00:19.81]Hi,I'm Ruby.嗨,我是鲁比.
[00:21.77]I'm from America.我来自美国.
[00:23.34]Now I live in England.现在我住在英国.
[00:24.96]I have a computer.我有一台电脑.
[00:26.18]And I email to my friends in America.我给我在美国的朋友发邮件.
[00:30.53]Hello,I'm Xiaoqiang.你好,我是小强。
[00:33.12]I live in China.我在中国.
[00:34.77]I'm going to go to America.我要去美国了.
[00:37.43]I'm going to read about America.我要读一些关于美国的书.
[00:40.15]I love books.我喜欢读书.
[00:43.23]My name is James.我叫詹姆斯.
[00:45.50]I'm English.我是英国人.
[00:47.25]I went to China.我去了中国.
[00:49.05]I saw the Great Wall.我看到了长城.
[00:51.35]I also interview places with 13 stone animals.我还去了一个有十三个石雕动物的地方.
[00:55.33]I sent emails to my friends in England.我给我在英国的朋友发了邮件.
[01:00.06]Listen and say.Then say the poem.
[01:20.17]Simple Simon met a pear man,提出了梨头脑简单的人,
[01:22.50]Going to the fair.想占点儿便宜.
[01:25.04]Simple Simon said to the pear man,傻瓜对卖梨的说
[01:27.23]"Let me taste a pear!"让我尝尝一个梨!
[01:29.72]The pear man said to Simple Simon,卖梨的西蒙说,
[01:32.25]"Show me first your money!"那先给我钱!
[01:34.77]Simple Simon said to the pear man,简单的西蒙对梨的人说,
[01:38.18]"I haven't got any!"我没有钱!
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