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小学英语外研社(一起点)六年级上册Module 5 Unit 1

[00:08.49]Listen,point and find "Can..."
[00:19.67]This is Daming.这是大明.
[00:20.95]He's from China.他来自中国.
[00:22.13]Pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你.
[00:23.63]Pleased to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你.
[00:25.73]Do you live here now?你现在住在这里吗?
[00:27.13]Or are you visiting?你来这里旅游吗?
[00:28.92]I'm visiting Simon for the summer.
[00:31.29]He's my cousin.他是我堂弟.
[00:32.84]You're from China.你来自中国.
[00:34.14]How fantastic!那太好了!
[00:37.50]I really want a Chinese pen pal.我真的想交一个中国笔友.
[00:40.57]I've got a friend in China.在中国,我有一个朋友.
[00:42.40]Her name's Lingling.她叫玲玲.
[00:44.15]She can speak some English.她会说一点儿英语.
[00:46.54]She can tell you about China.她可以跟你说一些中国的事情.
[00:48.53]Can I write to her?我能给她写信吗?
[00:50.12]Yes.You can write in English.你可以用英语写.
[00:52.95]Here is her address!这是她的地址!
[00:54.39]And this is her photo.还有她的照片!
[00:56.01]She's pretty.她很漂亮.
[00:57.16]Thank you,Daming.谢谢,大明
[00:59.94]Listen and say.
[01:05.89]She can speak some English.她能说一些英语。
[01:08.39]Can I write to her?我可以给她写信吗?
[01:10.11]Yes.You can write to her in English.你能用英语写信给她。
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