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[00:10.06]The Girl and the Frog少女和青蛙
[00:12.90]This is a beautiful girl.有位美丽的少女.
[00:16.03]She live in this big house.住在一间大房子里.
[00:20.74]But she isn't happy.但她却一点都不快乐.
[00:23.79]I haven't got any friends.我没有朋友.
[00:28.22]One day she is walking in the garden.一天,少女在花园里散步.
[00:31.98]She looks into the water.她朝水里看了看.
[00:35.77]She sees a frog.看见了一只青蛙.
[00:38.61]He jumps out of the pond.青蛙跳出池塘.
[00:44.02]The girl doesn't like him.女孩却不喜欢他.
[00:47.64]He's ugly!他很丑!
[00:50.82]The frog talks to the girl.青蛙对女孩说:
[00:54.57]You are sad and I am sad.你悲伤,所以我悲伤.
[00:58.02]We can be happy.我们可以很快乐.
[01:01.54]Close your eyes.闭上眼睛.
[01:05.91]He's very handsome.他很英俊.
[01:08.94]She's very beautiful.她很美丽.
[01:14.29]They jump into the water and are very happy.他们跳进水里,快乐的在一起.
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