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小学英语外研社(一起点)四年级上册Module 4 Unit 1

[00:09.93]Listen,point and find "invented".
[00:20.24]Chinese people invented important things.中国人发明了重要的东西.
[00:23.98]Yes,that's right.是的,这是正确的。
[00:26.42]Chinese people are very clever,you know.你知道,中国人很聪明.
[00:29.98]Chinese people invented paper.中国人发明了纸.
[00:34.04]Like this? 这样的吗?
[00:37.23]Chinese people invented printing,too.中国人还发明了印刷术.
[00:40.77]We print books and newspapers.我们印刷书本和报纸
[00:43.30]That's right.这是正确的
[00:44.95]Look,I printed this newspaper.看,我印了这张报纸
[00:51.05]Listen and say.
[00:56.40]Chinese people invented paper.中国人发明了纸
[00:59.67]Chinese people invented printing.中国人还发明了印刷术.
[01:03.20]I printed this newspaper.我印了这张报纸
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