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小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级下册Module 6 Unit 2

[00:12.19]Listen and repeat.
[00:16.26]Dear Daming,
[00:17.70]Last Saturday
[00:19.60]we had a picnic at a place called Stonehenge.我们在一个叫史前巨石柱的地方野餐了.
[00:24.62]Then I had a very big surprise.我们有一个很大的惊喜.
[00:28.65]Mr Smart said,
[00:30.70]Now we will see Stonehenge from the air.现在我们要从天空中俯视巨石阵.
[00:34.24]He pointed to the sky.他指向天空.
[00:36.56]I laughed.我笑了.
[00:38.02]I thought it was a joke.我想这真是个笑话.
[00:40.07]"the stones are big.这石头很大.
[00:42.06]But from the sky they will look small,"但是从天空中看起来就会很小,
[00:45.39]he said.
[00:46.97]Then we went and saw helicopter!然后我们去看了直升飞机!
[00:51.21]We took a helicopter ride over Stonehenge!我们乘坐直升飞机在巨石阵上空盘旋!
[00:55.37]It was amazing.真是令人惊叹.
[00:57.55]I took photos with my camera.我用照相机拍了好多照片.
[01:01.15]What will you do this summer?你暑假打算做什么?
[01:13.62]Listen and say.
[01:15.57]Then say the poem.
[01:43.55][01:18.36]We will do the same things,我们会做相同的事情,
[01:45.94][01:20.65]all around the world.大家都这么做.
[01:48.14][01:23.19]We'll climb up walls,我们会爬山.
[01:49.70][01:25.27]and kick footballs,踢足球.
[01:50.92][01:27.55]all around the world.大家都这么做.
[01:53.01][01:30.00]We'll go to schools,我们要上学.
[01:54.30][01:31.78]and follow rules,还要遵守规则.
[01:55.71][01:33.64]all around the world.大家都这么做.
[01:58.27][01:35.72]We'll play games.我们会做游戏.
[01:59.40][01:37.68]It's the same all around the world.世界各地的人都这么做.
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