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[00:04.16]My uncle Jimmy
[00:07.30]This is my Uncle Jimmy.这是我的叔叔吉米.
[00:09.72]He's my favourite uncle.他是我最喜欢的叔叔.
[00:12.48]Uncle Jimmy is a pilot.吉米叔叔是个飞行员.
[00:14.73]He flies to a lot of countries.他去过很多国家.
[00:17.17]And he always sends me postcards.他经常会给我寄明信片.
[00:21.29]Uncle Jimmy often goes to the USA.吉米叔叔经常去美国.
[00:24.02]This is a picture of New York.这是纽约的照片.
[00:26.73]It says he climbed the Statue of Liberty.照片是他爬上了自由女神像.
[00:30.30]He says Americans eat lots of hot dogs.他说美国人吃很多热狗.
[00:33.81]But I don't like hot dogs.但是我不喜欢热狗.
[00:36.32]Uncle Jimmy went to China,too.吉米叔叔也去过中国
[00:39.14]This card is from Lijiang.这是来自漓江的卡片.
[00:41.97]It's in the mountains and it's very beautiful.它是在山中拍的,非常漂亮.
[00:46.02]Here's another card from Russia.这儿有一张来自俄国的照片.
[00:48.57]Uncle Jimmy went to the circus in Russia.吉米叔叔去过俄国的马戏团.
[00:51.64]There weren't any animals,里面没有动物,
[00:53.47]but there were lots of clowns and acrobats.而且很多的小丑和杂技演员.
[00:58.12]Uncle Jimmy doesn't send cards.吉米叔叔不寄卡片
[01:00.15]He sends me presents instead.而是给我送礼物.
[01:02.76]Here is a beautiful doll from Japan.这是来自日本的漂亮洋娃娃.
[01:05.44]And this doll is from London.这个洋娃娃来自伦敦
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