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[00:04.69]Jack and the Beanstalk杰克和豆茎
[00:07.72]Jack,I'm hungry.杰克,我饿了.
[00:10.19]We haven't got food.我们没有食物了.
[00:12.42]I'm hungry too,Mum.妈妈,我也饿了.
[00:14.15]I'll sell the sow.我去把牛卖了.
[00:15.70]Then we'll have food.这样我们就会有食物了.
[00:19.01]I'll have this cow.我要这头牛.
[00:21.41]Here are five beans.这儿有五个豆子.
[00:25.87]We don't want beans!我们不需要豆子!
[00:33.44]Now the beans is a beanstalk.现在豆子变成豆茎了.
[00:36.01]It's very tall.它真高.
[00:37.84]I'll go up.我要爬上去.
[00:39.03]Be careful,Jack!小心点,杰克!
[00:42.60]My husband is very big and very tall.我的丈夫非常大,还很高.
[00:46.35]He eats little boys!他吃小男孩!
[00:48.96]Oh no!
[00:52.65]Hide under the table.藏在桌子下面.
[01:15.50]Now I've got ten gold eggs.现在我有十个金蛋了.
[01:28.74]Take the chicken!拿上这只鸡!
[01:42.57]A magic chicken!一只神奇的小鸡!
[01:50.36]Oh no!
[01:51.51]The giant!巨人!
[01:55.44]Mum,the big man is coming.妈妈,巨人来了.
[01:58.68]Let's cut the beanstalk.快砍断豆茎.
[02:16.03]Now we are rich!现在我们有钱了!
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