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小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级上册Module 10 Unit 1

[00:10.06]Listen,point and find"should, shouldn't".
[00:17.38]Mum,Tom is making a mess.妈妈,汤姆弄的一团糟.
[00:20.15]Tom,you shouldn't play with the CDs!汤姆,你不应该玩这些光盘!
[00:25.42]And you shouldn't take the books off the shelves.你也不应该把书都拿出书架.
[00:28.72]I know.Sorry.我知道。对不起
[00:30.93]Tom,you should tidy your toys.汤姆,你应该整理你的玩具.
[00:33.92]We'll help you,Tom.我们来帮你,汤姆.
[00:37.53]Ahh.The room is tidy now.房屋现在整齐了.
[00:41.15]What a good boy!多好的男孩啊!
[00:43.40]Yes.I'm a good boy now.是的.现在我是个好男孩了.
[00:46.36]And thanks for your help,girls.谢谢你们的帮助,女孩们.
[00:49.52]You're welcome.不用谢.
[00:52.65]Listen and say.
[00:57.04]You shouldn't play with the CDs!你不应该玩这些光盘!
[00:59.91]I'm sorry.对不起
[01:01.72]You should tidy your toys.你应该整理你的玩具。
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