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小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级上册Module 9 Unit 1

[00:07.50]Listen,point and find"sad,angry,bored".
[00:18.32]What's the matter,Lingling?你怎么了,玲玲?
[00:20.20]Are you sad?你难受吗?
[00:21.83]No,I'm not.不,我不
[00:24.26]Are you angry?你在生气吗?
[00:25.96]No,I'm not.不,我不
[00:28.15]Are you bored?你心烦吗?
[00:29.87]Do you want to play chess?你想下象棋吗?
[00:31.69]No.I'm not bored.不.我没有心烦.
[00:34.79]So what's the matter?那你怎么了?
[00:37.88]I'm thinking.我在想事情.
[00:39.74]What are you thinking about?你在想什么?
[00:42.03]It's a secret,Amy.这是个秘密,艾米.
[00:44.45]Tell me,please!请你告诉我吧!
[00:48.69]I'm going to make you a surprise present for
[00:52.99]But now it's not a surprise!但是现在不是惊喜了!
[00:56.94]Listen and say.
[01:02.04]Are you sad?你难受吗?
[01:03.73]No,I'm not.不,我不
[01:06.05]What's the matter?你怎么了?
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