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小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级上册Module 7 Unit 2

[00:08.46]Listen and repeat.
[00:14.57]There was a fire.有一场大火.
[00:16.58]There were people inside the house.人们都被困在屋子里.
[00:19.44]The firemen couldn't see the people.消防员看不见里面的人.
[00:22.24]They couldn't help the people.他们不能营救里面的人.
[00:24.37]But they had a special dog.但是他们有只特殊的狗
[00:26.55]It could hear the people,它能听到人们的声音.
[00:28.32]It found the people.它找到了大家.
[00:29.92]Then the people were safe.后来人们得救了.
[00:35.15]Listen and say.Then sing.
[01:26.86][00:59.05][00:43.26]Fifi was a cute dog.菲菲是只可爱的狗。
[01:28.79][01:01.27]He was very small.他是非常小的。
[01:31.14][01:03.47]He couldn't help a blind man.他不能帮助盲人。
[01:33.42][01:05.62]He couldn't climb a wall.他不会爬墙。
[01:40.44][01:12.76]He couldn't help a fireman.他不能帮助消防员。
[01:42.68][01:15.03]He couldn't work all day.他不会整天工作。
[01:45.11][01:17.34]He could do some things.他可以做一些事情。
[01:47.39][01:19.72]He could have fun and play.他会玩耍。
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