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小学英语外研社(一起点)五年级上册Module 5 Unit 2

[00:08.49]Listen and repeat.
[00:14.41]It's raining.正在下雨.
[00:16.03]Children are running home.孩子们正跑回家.
[00:18.64]Look!Amy's blue dress is wet.看!艾米的蓝裙子湿了.
[00:23.18]Lingling's favourite skirt is dirty.玲玲最喜欢的短裙脏了.
[00:26.80]Sam's shoes are wet and dirty.萨姆的鞋子又湿又脏
[00:29.87]Tom is laughing!汤姆在笑!
[00:32.99]Listen and say. Then say the poem.
[00:41.53]"It's mine!It's mine!" the short man said.“这是我的!这是我的!”矮的男人说。
[00:45.93]"It isn't yours at all."“这根本不是你的。”
[00:48.37]"Yes,it is," the tall man said.“是的,是的,”高的人说。
[00:50.73]"You are short,but I am tall."“你是短的,但我是高的。”
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