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小学英语外研社(一起点)三年级上册Module 5 Unit 1

[00:09.13]1.Listen,point and find "can,can't".
[00:15.88]Mum,can I have a drink,please?妈妈,我能喝饮料吗?
[00:19.37]Yes.Here you are.可以.给你.
[00:22.73]Can I watch TV,please?我能看电视吗?
[00:25.19]Yes, you can.可以,看吧.
[00:28.50]Can I have an ice cream,please?我能吃冰淇淋吗?
[00:31.82]No, you can't.不,你不能.?
[00:33.99]Look! No ice cream.看!没有冰淇淋了.
[00:37.93]I can go to the shop for an ice cream!我可以去买一个冰淇淋!
[00:40.95]No, you can't go out!不,你不能出去!
[00:43.53]You're ill!你病了!
[00:45.96]But you can have these biscuits.但是你可以吃饼干
[00:49.08]Thanks, Mum.谢谢,妈妈.
[00:51.35]2.Listen and say.?
[00:55.08]Mum,can I have a drink,please?妈妈,我能喝饮料吗?
[00:58.55]Yes. Here you are.是的。给你
[01:01.53]Can I have an ice cream, please?我能吃冰淇淋吗?
[01:04.84]No, you can't.不,你不能。
[01:07.05]But you can have these biscuits!但是你可以吃这些饼干!
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