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小学英语北师大版(一起点)三年级上册Unit 5

[00:08.43]Unit 5 Our school
[00:18.00]Let's go to school.
[00:25.89]This is our school.
[00:29.51]Hello, Mocky ,Welcome!
[00:34.43]We have Math and English today.
[00:40.07]What subjects do you like?
[00:43.94]I like English and Art.
[00:49.16]This is our classroom.
[00:55.05]This is our English teacher, Miss Li.
[01:00.88]Hello, Miss Li.
[01:03.40]This is our friend, Mocky.
[01:07.64]Hello, Mocky!
[01:11.44]Don't touch. Mocky!
[01:18.65]Let's go to the playground!
[01:25.67]Whose football is this?
[01:29.52]It's their football.
[01:33.70]Be careful, Mocky!
[01:37.08]That's the libray.
[01:45.31]Oh, I'm sorry.
[01:55.56]Words to Learn
[02:26.44]Listen to This
[03:13.32]Let's Sing!
[03:15.24]Go, go, go to school,
[03:22.88]Happily with my friends.
[03:25.28]Computer, Science, Music and Art,
[03:28.08]All that I love.
[03:30.67]Play, play, play fun games,
[03:33.25]Happily with my friends.
[03:35.78]Throw, kick, catch and pass.
[03:38.52]All I can do.
[03:58.77]Talk Together
[04:01.39]Hi, Ken.
[04:02.77]What subjects do you have today?
[04:07.03]I have English, Math,
[04:09.99]Music and P.E.
[04:13.55]What is your favorite subject?
[04:17.56]My favorite subject is Music.
[04:21.63]It's easy and fun.
[04:25.64]How about Math?
[04:28.52]Em...that's Ann's favorite.
[04:39.63]Listen and Number
[05:16.21]Sounds and Letters
[06:14.31]Listen for Sounds
[06:18.07]1 nut  jump  run  Lulu
[06:29.18]2 Sue  mug  flute  blue
[06:46.92]Read with Uncle Booky
[07:26.49]Uncle Booky's Blackboard
[07:29.79]What subjects do you have today?
[07:34.25]We have Chinese, Math and English.
[07:40.09]What subjects do you like?
[07:44.28]I like English and Art.
[07:54.84]Let's Chant!
[07:57.31]About School
[08:04.89]There is a little boy.
[08:08.66]Who wants to go to school.
[08:16.19]"Is P.E. fun?
[08:18.35]Do you play and run,
[08:20.49]Under the summer sun?
[08:27.72]Is Math easy?
[08:29.91]Do you count and add,
[08:32.28]Always very busy?
[08:39.47]Is English great?
[08:41.79]Do you play games that no
[08:45.14]one wants to wait?"
[09:01.71]Uncle Booky's Storytime
[09:06.14]Why are you not happy, children?
[09:14.19]What's your problem, Zebra?
[09:18.46]I have swimming class.
[09:21.18]But I can't swim!
[09:25.34]What about you, Duck?
[09:29.32]I have climbing class.
[09:31.93]But I can't climb!
[09:35.94]What classes do you ave, Koala?
[09:40.88]I have running class.
[09:43.55]But I'm not good at running!
[09:48.06]Well, I think I can help you!
[09:53.53]Can you?
[09:57.63]This is my favorite!
[10:04.42]Thank you, Ms. Ow!
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