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[00:01.29]Unit 12 Review第十二单元 复习
[00:05.43]Good morning. Can I help you?早上好,有什么能帮你的吗?
[00:09.75]Can I have three tickets to River Town?能给我三张去小河镇的票吗?
[00:14.75]Here is our train!这是我们的火车!
[00:17.79]What can we do at River Town?我们在小河镇能做什么?
[00:22.85]We can watch the dragon boat races, Lulu!我们能看龙舟赛,路路!
[00:28.25]Can I have some zongzi now?我现在能吃粽子吗?
[00:32.54]Not now, Mockey. We can have some on the train!现在不能,莫奇。我们可以在火车上吃!
[00:38.27]Look! There is a dragon boat! Can I open the window?看!那里有一条龙舟!我能打开窗户吗?
[00:45.01]Yes, You can.是的,你可以。
[00:53.55]No, Mocky! Sit down!不要,莫奇!坐下来!
[01:01.12]What's the matter?怎么了?
[01:03.93]My eye hurts.我的眼睛疼。
[01:07.32]Go and wash your eye, Mocky!莫奇,去洗洗你的眼睛!
[01:11.04]How are you now?你现在怎么样?
[01:14.36]I'm better now. Thanks, Lulu.我现在好些了。谢谢你,路路。
[01:19.07]Can I have some zongzi now?我现在可以吃粽子了吗?
[01:23.07]Sure, you can, Mocky!当然可以了,莫奇!
[01:26.50]Listen and Check听录音,判断对错
[02:51.94]Talk Together大家一起说
[02:54.77]Good morning. Can I help you?早上好。有什么能帮你的吗?
[02:59.13]Can I have three tickets to River Town?能给我三张去小河镇的票吗?
[03:04.17]Here you are.给你。
[03:06.76]Thank you.谢谢你。
[03:09.38]Look! There is a dragon boat! 看!那里有一条龙舟!
[03:12.73]Can I open the widow?我能打开窗户吗?
[03:16.08]Yes, You can.是的,你可以。
[03:21.90]No, Mocky! Sit down!不要,莫奇!坐下来!
[03:29.52]What's the matter?怎么了?
[03:32.33]My eye hurts.我的眼睛疼。
[03:35.75]Go and wash your eye, Mocky!莫奇,去洗洗你的眼睛。
[03:39.55]Listen and Circle听录音,圈单词
[03:43.10]Circle the word that doesn't belong.圈出不同类的单词。
[04:29.85]Let's Sing!大家一起来唱歌!
[04:36.97]The more we get together, together, together. 我们多多在一起,
[04:40.93]The more we get together, the happier we'll be. 这样我们更快乐,更快乐。
[04:45.61]For your friends are my friends, 因为你的朋友也是我的朋友,
[04:47.68]and my friends are your friends. 我的朋友就是你的朋友。
[04:50.28]The more we get together, the happier we'll be.我们多多在一起,我们就越快乐!(歌曲)
[05:04.08]Listening Test听力测试
[05:33.84]Sounds and Letters Test发音与字母测试
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